Looking forward to a new Mario Kart!
- MarioWiki
- Mijzelffan
The world ends with you. The double combat means I usually just spam random buttons for the top screen and hope I do it right, while the plot is confusing as fuck. I just looked it up completely online before I even finished the first part because I couldn't handle it anymore. Not to mention that leveling up certain pins means you should just stop playing the game for multiple days. Well that I did. It's been about 300 days now?
Yeah I don't get that either, super mario galaxy just seems superior to it in every way to me.
Baby Luigi said:Super Mario Galaxy 2
Probably not here, but on GameFAQs and nearly everywhere else, it keeps beating the other games at favorite 3D Mario game poll. I just don't get it. I seriously don't.
Yeah I don't get that either, super mario galaxy just seems superior to it in every way to me.