Real-Life Photos



Dat first sunburn of summer feel.

You aren't missing much.

Me in the midst of building my tetris blocks for my research project I did. I have the final results (as this was a few days ago), and a lot of people really loved it. I felt so dorky though because I felt like I was showing a little too much of how much I love video games. :P

The final results look awesome though, and I'll show that when I have time to upload them.
Nah, you got the rustic look goin' on there. Do you really want to disrupt that?

I just now took this picture. My Nenderoid plushies in a doll sleigh. :3
As you can see, Len's tie fell off and Rin got chewed on by my dog. :(

Edit: Why is there a sock on the left of the pic?! o_O
Mario4Ever said:
Nah, you got the rustic look goin' on there. Do you really want to disrupt that?
I kinda like it all over the place like it is now, but I don't think my family will let it grow for much longer.

My pillow.

I have a serious addiction problem to this thing. Like, it's bad.
It's not really an addiction, but I do enjoy being wrapped in my cover's embrace in mornings. It's pretty beefy and uncomfortable at first, but when you get used to it, it'll cover for you whenever you're cold. :dk:
I got scarf appeal. ;)

(I don't remember if I told you guys, but I got my iPhone (4) in October and this is my case for it~)

she gonna look sooo cute :3
Timmy said:
I got scarf appeal. ;)

(I don't remember if I told you guys, but I got my iPhone (4) in October and this is my case for it~)

Scarves are really stylish; you look mad fly.

Guiliant said:

she gonna look sooo cute :3

I got my kitty a santa hat one time and the face he made was totally worth it. I can't find the picture of it because it was on my old myspace and that's gone forever, so here's the closest representation: >:[