Real-Life Photos

Yeah, I feel the Mario ones are better than the Smash ones straight across the board in terms of build quality. Look at Peach's face too, the Smash one looks pretty bad.

Deinosuchus said:
Really? I thought Mario's smash amiibo was one of, if not the most common amiibo.
"was" is a key word.

I don't follow amiibo super often, but last time I checked, he's not in the stores anymore, and his price online is at least one dollar above suggested retail price. He'll probably get only rarer from there.
LeftyGreenMario said:
And I think the mold on Mario's face in the Mario amiibo looks better compared to the Smash amiibo. The Smash one has a nice pose and a fireball that's nice to feel, but his face looks a bit... melty?

Obviously it's melty because of the fireball.
Deinosuchus said:
Zae Eildus said:
not too cute when they take a *bleep* in your sink

The cats me and my relatives have owned through the years have never done that.

yeah ive never had any other cat do that but once, it was a stray we tried to cake care of it even bought a litter box and everything and it just, didnt even use the damn thing, and god it was obnoxious.

Although i like cats my mom is entirely against them though, kind of a pity but at least my uncle and aunt love them, cute little suckers.
reminds me of a story an english teacher once told us

at the school where he was before he came to our high school in a break suddenly some girls ran past him laughing from the direction of the toilets

turns out they literally shat into the sink

My office is small and duel disks are heavier then they look, making this picture awkward to take
pic was taken when I saw that my colour vision was fading so I toke it to see how much.
freakworld said:
Probably out of cards
This too look at the deck slot
Late as usual, but I went to the Chicago Cubs Rally and it was insane!

Ask any questions if you want
This is super late, but here's a picture of me on Halloween. Somewhat poor quality.


It also occurs to me that I've never actually posted a picture of myself here, and the one time I do, I have a mask on.
GalacticPetey said:
This is super late, but here's a picture of me on Halloween. Somewhat poor quality.


It also occurs to me that I've never actually posted a picture of myself here, and the one time I do, I have a mask on.

Two pictures of my identical twin sister me. Got a haircut recently. :)
