Nintendo Takes Money from Lets Players

Purple Yoshi said:
To be honest, I don't think it's a bad idea. I mean, if Let's Players are SERIOUSLY pissed off that "They're not getting money from their videos", then they should be asking themselves why they were making the videos in the first place. To make money? Of course not, they didn't have enough views at the beginning!

People should want to make videos because they WANT to, not because they'll get advertising money.

If Nintendo is blocking lpers, I'll get annoyed. But if this is just on the add revenue, I don't care. Any famous youtubers complaining about that will just sound like a bunch of greedy jerks, not wanting to lose their money.

EDIT: The statement says "We continually want our fans to enjoy sharing Nintendo content on YouTube, and that is why, unlike other entertainment companies, we have chosen not to block people using our intellectual property." So maybe they won't block the LPers.

The problem is that some of the lets players that make money quit their previous jobs because they were getting enough money to make the videos their main focus and live nicely. If they don't get money for their videos anymore, they'll have to get another job and have less time doing what they actually want to do. They aren't being greedy, they just want to get paid for doing their job like any other sane person. It's not like you can't make videos both as a hobby and for money at the same time.

They can still do videos but Nintendo-heavy Let's players will either have to do less on their channel to get a paying job or completely ditch anything related to Nintendo and play other games.
It's actually a dick move.
I've seen this happening months before this news came up, and the only possible way to get rid of these ridiculous Claims, is by getting a Copyright Strike, and counter it.
Nintendo does this for the money, otherwise, they should just block these Videos, or simply not do this at all.
To add to this mess, I've noticed how they only take the most popular Videos, which earn the most only.
Really, it makes me either lose my money, or lose my only paid job I can get, at the moment.

I might find a different service, which isn't as Nazi as YouTube, but none of them has an as huge userbase as YouTube has.
Zubat said:
chillv said:
I do that to give someone who might a honestly innocent and nice person a chance to redeem themselves with me.

People say things they might regret afterwards so I use a strike system to justify when I should report them.
I use a strike system to determine which members of this board I'm most likely to give a kidney to if I die. Member with least amount of strikes gets my kidney and it only counts members with more than 100 posts.

You have 37 strikes, putting you in third place behind Smasher with 17 strikes and Neptune99 with 6 strikes. Everyone else has more than 60 strikes.

Hate to mini mod myself, but:

I realize nobody on any gaming forum is going to agree with this, but

Good. Fuck Let's Plays. They're shit and people don't deserve money for them.
Does PewDiePie make Nintendo Let's Plays? If so, this isn't completely bad news.
well fuck

but fuck pewdiepie. didn't he once make money from a game that was free?
Saul Slendamann said:
well fuck

but fuck pewdiepie. didn't he once make money from a game that was free?
I'm... not exactly sure what you mean. Let's Players, regardless of what game they're playing, receive revenue from YouTube for their videos. So, sure, you can say that he made money from a free game, but he is far from the first person to do so.
I don't really like this.

Let's Players use their own time to show off Nintendo's games. A lot of the time, it's their only source of income, and it's not fair Nintendo is trying to take it from them.
You guys are having a great time fooling for a misunderstanding
They are only trying trying advert in their videos which actually helps them get money. This video says nothing about Nintendo taking money.
New Super Mario said:
I don't really like this.

Let's Players use their own time to show off Nintendo's games. A lot of the time, it's their only source of income, and it's not fair Nintendo is trying to take it from them.
then they should get these weird things called "jobs"
Time for Timer said:
New Super Mario said:
I don't really like this.

Let's Players use their own time to show off Nintendo's games. A lot of the time, it's their only source of income, and it's not fair Nintendo is trying to take it from them.
then they should get these weird things called "jobs"
This. It's not smart to use YouTube as primary if not only form on income.

So I don't find it unfair.
I find it strange. Why would nintendo do dis, if anything it helps endorse their games, with no extra charge.

Zubat said:
I use a strike system to determine which members of this board I'm most likely to give a kidney to if I die. Member with least amount of strikes gets my kidney and it only counts members with more than 100 posts.

You have 37 strikes, putting you in third place behind Smasher with 17 strikes and Neptune99 with 6 strikes. Everyone else has more than 60 strikes.

Lol wut
Dozla said:
Zubat said:
I use a strike system to determine which members of this board I'm most likely to give a kidney to if I die. Member with least amount of strikes gets my kidney and it only counts members with more than 100 posts.

You have 37 strikes, putting you in third place behind Smasher with 17 strikes and Neptune99 with 6 strikes. Everyone else has more than 60 strikes.

Lol wut
(strike 7)
Zubat said:
Dozla said:
Zubat said:
I use a strike system to determine which members of this board I'm most likely to give a kidney to if I die. Member with least amount of strikes gets my kidney and it only counts members with more than 100 posts.

You have 37 strikes, putting you in third place behind Smasher with 17 strikes and Neptune99 with 6 strikes. Everyone else has more than 60 strikes.

Lol wut
(strike 7)
Excuse me, Mr. Mason, would it be acceptable for me to ask how many strikes I have received?
Zubat said:
Diabetus is amazing.

Someone posed an interesting point about this debacle, but PY beat me too it:

Are the LPers that are bitching really just in it for the money or are they really fervent about entertaining people?

SuperMC has an interesting video on it, I'll see if I can find it.

Also the amount of butthurt on the Nintendo Youtube channel is amazing. Way to go YouTube community, you really showed how mature you are when a problem comes up.
Time for Timer said:
then they should get these weird things called "jobs"

except they already have jobs
Since none of the LP'ers own the entirety of the content they upload, I personally believe Nintendo has each and every right to place ads in LP videos and make money off of it. But, since the LP'ers are giving Nintendo's content something additional, as the person quoted in the IGN video said, the fair thing would be to design a profit-sharing model that could work for both parts. Nintendo losing some relatively minor profits won't harm them at all, and LP'ers getting profit for something they in first place shouldn't even have expected to profit from makes the profit-sharing model a perfect compromise, at least in my opinion.

Or well, maybe they expected to make a living by making YouTube videos, which is dumb.
Lakituthequick said:
Bulbasaur said:
Time for Timer said:
then they should get these weird things called "jobs"

except they already have jobs
Then what are they complaining for?

because when you're running a business and suddenly the rug gets pulled out from under you, its annoying
Lakituthequick said:
Bulbasaur said:
Time for Timer said:
then they should get these weird things called "jobs"

except they already have jobs
Then what are they complaining for?
It's kinda like if someone bumps into you on the street and steals your wallet. Even if you only had 10 units of currency in there, you'd still complain about your money being stolen, no?