Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

Re: Mario & Sonic Wii U

YoshiKong said:
Logo and artwork revealed at Nintendo e3.


I love the Villains artwork, Bowser with his right hand B.Jr and Eggman with his right hand(?) Metal Sonic :B

I need some info about the main mode/story mode in both version, i wish for the Adventure Tours Return
Re: Mario & Sonic Wii U

Cool, Metal Sonic is here after all
Re: Mario & Sonic Wii U

YoshiKong said:
Logo and artwork revealed at Nintendo e3.
Baby Luigi said:
Cool, Metal Sonic is here after all
Unless the two companies would add more playable characters instead of replacing, it's hard to kick others out while BowserJr and Metal Sonic stay, who are secondary main characters of their own series.
Re: Mario & Sonic Wii U

No new characters = no buy

Come on, Sega
Re: Mario & Sonic Wii U

Obviously they have characters they could easily add to the roster.

(Birdo, Diddy Kong, Rogue, Jet, many others...)

But I think now they are just chugging them out. I'm pretty sure that they made this contract back in 2006/2007 where they would make X amount of Olympic Games, and now they are just making them because of it.

That, or they are getting a lot of money from the Olympics to do this, as it is great publicity for them.
Re: Mario & Sonic Wii U

The ones competent eough to be in Olympics games are Birdo, Diddy, Rosalina (not sure about Toad and Toadette) and Cream, Rouge, Big. Especially and ironically, female representives are way too few compared with real Olympics.

We don't know why the two companies did so unlike their own spinoffs, but I think it's inconvincible to see non-leading characters staying for more than four titles in a spinoff series.
Is it only for Wii U? Sorry, I'm lost...
EDIT: Aw damn, it's Wii U only. Time to wait until Christmas.
If it was coming out on the 3DS, I'd care because I actually have one. Seeing as this is coming out on the Wii U, I'll most likely not get it any time soon if at all.
Ok, here some facts about the game:

1.- The Figure Skating can be playable only with one male and one famale characters (so no bowser & eggman skating together :( )
2.- No new characters (again)
3.- Rival battles are back (remember, the rival battles aren´t bosses, just NPC characters that you can´t unlock....why sega? :( )
4.- There´s a Story Mode like the olimpics games Portable version
5.- One Dream event has Bowser as a boss (?) (like Perfect Chaos in the first winter olympics...weird since Bowser is playable)
6.- Miis return (i can finally dance with blaze :3 )
7.- The game is the second of the 3 exclusive sonic games in Nintendo Consoles
8.- The game is developed be SEGA Sports...blame them if the game its BAD (again)
10.- ...look COOKIES
Only 8 Dream Events? Eugh....

Are they seriously even trying with this installment

The only thing I love are the graphics
TempestBlade said:
Reviews from Metacritic

IGN gives 4.5/10, GameSpot gives 5.0/10.
Painful. I think I will skip this game.
TempestBlade said:
Reviews from Metacritic

IGN gives 4.5/10, GameSpot gives 5.0/10.

Ouch. But you know IGN and Gamespot. Overall reviews are mixed, though.
No Mario and Sonic game has ever gotten above poor to average reviews, and yet every couple years the formula is not tweaked to rise it above sixes and sevens..
Which is why I think Nintendo or some developer of Mario games (i.e. Namco, Next Level Games, or even Hudson) should do the developing.
I'm still hesitant to believe that both Sonic Lost World and this game getting bad reviews in less than a month between is coincidental. I mean London 2012 got a 7.5 on IGN and 7 on Gamespot.

Somethings just a little amiss here, though I can't say until I've played this myself.
The lack of new playable characters doesn't help with my impression of this game: a soulless cash grab developed by Sega. At least soulless cash grabs that Nintendo develops are good soulless cash grabs.