Xbox One


Artisanal Cheese Taster
Discuss the new console.
Re: Xbox 1

As I've seen of it, it looks pretty darn good.

However I will complain that this is a risk and might not turn as good as it looks.

Oh and the name sucks as well
Re: Xbox 1

Yep. So the last two were probably Xbox 0 and Xbox -1.
Re: Xbox 1

The Xbox 1 is more of a family entertainment machine rather than a game console unlike PS4 and Wii U.

It'll will be interesting how this turns out, while it has some cool features, it lacks some of the features PS4 and Wii U had.
Re: Xbox 1

Xbox go home
you're drunk
Re: Xbox 1

It seems to mixed the Xbox thoughts.

I really think this could fail badly, I don't, I'll see what my friends at school say as a lot of them do like Xbox.
Re: Xbox 1

That was the most boring and cringe-worthy conference I have ever seen.

I thought the PS4 reveal was bad where they didn't even show the console, but holy shit this conference.
Re: Xbox 1

I've seen it, the Console looks and functions nice, but I think they were promoting Multimedia way to much, and Games way to less.
Re: Xbox 1

I'm going to say that the console war will be tight.
Re: Xbox 1

I honestly think the Console Wars is dead on arrival, in this generation.
It looks like the 3DS and Smartphones/Tablets are the only stable players in this Console Wars.
Re: Xbox 1

Why do you think that?
Re: Xbox 1

That was horrible, if this is the best Microsoft can do then they won't be getting my money.
Re: Xbox 1

I didn't watch the reveal before coming back home, so I expected a original Xbox nostalgia thread with that title. Man did I love that thing.

If Sony doesn't block used games in any manner, all I say is, lol.
Re: Xbox 1

Unsurprisingly I guess it wasn't much of a conference.

E3's not too far off, hopefully they can try to pick up the slack there, somehow.

But I'm glad it doesn't require a constant internet connection.
DCI Gene Hunt said:
Yep. So the last two were probably Xbox 0 and Xbox -1.
Actually, Xbox 0.1 and Xbox 0.2.

NSY said:
The Xbox 1 is more of a family entertainment machine [...] unlike [...] Wii U.
Lakituthequick said:
"The new Xbox One gameconsole: now with voice control, Skype, TV, and oh hey, you can even game with it."

Not too much impressed.
Like Windows 8, Microsoft still isn't sure what they're aiming their products to be like.
Glowsquid said:
If Sony doesn't block used games in any manner, all I say is, lol.
Because fuck gamers, they wouldn't care at all.

also what will we call the original Xbox now
Apparently it requires Kinect to work. And has no backwards compatibility.

Yeah, fuck that.
So, we have...

...the Wii U, which has basically been idle in terms of games available for it for the last six months since it's launch, and the only really new thing is a bigger storage unit, some minor social networking stuff, and a new controller.

...the PS4, which looks basically like a failed attempt by Playstation to copy the controller of the Wii U, and hasn't really shown a thing about it.

...the Xbox 1, which not only will mislead fans because of the labeling of numbers (MKGirlism explained it well in the EA is the only third party that hates Nintendo thread), and though it looks good could easily fail as we don't even know who they are aiming this at, what the games even look like, or if they are categorizing this as an entertaining station or a gaming console.

This is quite interesting so far...