Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

You know, some people were disappointed that this is what Retro's making... Honestly, I freaking love Donkey Kong Country Returns, and thus, I love this new game!

The lack of Kremlings again makes me a little sad, but I DO like the viking guys they have for this game! It's kind of expanding the Donkey Kong world a bit. Plus, DIXIE KONG, YEAH! Plus another playable character... I'm curious to see who THAT is! Some say it's Funky, though I thought that, according to all the official bios from him, and even from himself in certain games, that he's not much of an adventurer, and would rather help by the sidelines. There's one guy that suggested King K. Rool is the fourth playable character; he teams up with the Kongs because it's mutually beneficial for all of them!

There's one other thing that bothers me a bit... The guy in the Developer Direct, who apparently also worked on Super Mario Bros. 2, said that they were going to bring back the "pluck and chuck" mechanics from that game and put it in this one. ...They're bringing back the Super Mario Bros. 2 "pluck and chuck" feature... in a Donkey Kong game... Seriously, this feels like a huge WTF, I mean, here's the Mario series, BEGGING for something different, just asking for a return of that different but fun game style that game had, and they're bringing it back in a Donkey Kong game?! But the really kicker is the fact that this guy is talking about how he wants to "differentiate" this game from the previous one. Yeah, how come no one's talking like that for the New Super Mario Bros. games? ...But yeah, it looks pretty cool here, even though I feel like I might miss the classic "bonk" that the previous Donkey Kong Country games had.

One last thing:

David Wise, one of the original composers for the Donkey Kong Country series, is going to be composing music for this game.

I'm just going to go ahead and say this, with the possible exception of the Super Smash Bros. games, this is the best reveal of 2013 E3. Yeah, that's right.
Am I the only one not really THAT excited for this game? I mean, I'm not even sure if I'll pick it up.

I didn't like Donkey Kong Country Returns that much. (I'm like half-way through it).

It does look better than DKCR though, so maybe I'll just trade that in for this or something.
Re: Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

LuckySeven said:
YES! Dixie Kong is back! Even though I wasn't a fan of the previous DKC game they released, I'll probably get this one once I get a Wii U since it actually looks more promising.
I only see the inclusion of Dixie is a basic requirement, since in the old DKC series we usually swap characters in sequels. But I hope that she can finally enter kart races.

Smashgoom202 said:
The lack of Kremlings again makes me a little sad, but I DO like the viking guys they have for this game.

Now NDKC resembles NSMB which got lots of sequels similar with the first one. We only saw DKC Return as a simple restart, but it didn't actually show DK members and their hometown. If Nintendo keep on this, many important characters and stories of DK series will go lost. Unless Camelot really comes out with a DK3D that focus on all DK characters.

I don't mind introducing new bosses in DK worlds, which contain new fun story elements, and I agree Vikings are pretty cool. However, it's very unclear that Nintendo really see KingK. Rool as important as Bowser, who appeared in almost every SMB game. IMO, it could be better if King K. Rool be the main boss in Tropical Freeze and Vikings go to Super Mario 3D World.
Honestly the last Metroid game was not that much before the last new DK game.

The Metroid fanboys need to get over the fact that they are making another DK game and need to wait patiently for the next instalment while they could play this or CoD while they are waiting.
looks very nice, i still haven't played dkcr, but it does look good and so does this.

Will certainly check out dkcr though, shame this is a wii u title.
Smashgoom202 said:

David Wise, one of the original composers for the Donkey Kong Country series, is going to be composing music for this game.
Not to be rude, but I already pointed that out on the first page.

In other news:

It doesn't seem as if Miyamoto will be as involved with this game as he was with the first one, meaning that Retro Studios will have a lot more creative freedom than they did before. In fact, we may even seen a more story-driven plot this time around. Ah, if only this could have been the case with Paper Mario: Sticker Star...
Miyamoto's involvement in a game didn't have the weight and excitement it used to... Either the game turns out really fun and interesting, or turns out really lame.
Smashgoom202 said:
Miyamoto's involvement in a game didn't have the weight and excitement it used to... Either the game turns out really fun and interesting, or turns out really lame.

Kindof a bummer, because at one point he(miyamoto) played a huge part in why nintendo games were so good. Now I don't think miyamoto to even touch the paper mario series again. Especially after sticker star.
Here's an article explaining how Dave Wise came to do the music for Donkey Kong Country again:
It seems more like that the fourth playable character would only be unlockable by all stages clear. I guess it's very likely to be Cranky unless some other characters make appearance in the opening/cutscense.
Dorayaki said:
It seems more like that the fourth playable character would only be unlockable by all stages clear. I guess it's very likely to be Cranky unless some other characters make appearance in the opening/cutscense.

Maybe a big time shocker? King K. Rool gets a chance to shine, and clobbers the vikings.
MnSG said:
Dorayaki said:
It seems more like that the fourth playable character would only be unlockable by all stages clear. I guess it's very likely to be Cranky unless some other characters make appearance in the opening/cutscense.
Maybe a big time shocker? King K. Rool gets a chance to shine, and clobbers the vikings.
As said, a reuturnee is great but can't appear all of a sudden. It can only be that other main characters seperate in the opening and then reunite in the later story, similar with SPM.

So if not Cranky, the other weird result is they use Nabbit an original viking character that exclusive to this story.
Maybe we get something like Kiddy Kong. That would be a nice surprise.
It's the Year of Luigi, so the only choice that'd make sense is having Luigi playable.
Get out.
I don't know. I understood that characters can't make sudden reappearances. But I think there's a way to incorporate that in the games.
Haven't seen anyone say it yet, but that character behind Diddy [I think] is the fourth playable character.

Maybe it's a new design of Kiddy Kong, and then we'll have the DKC foursome together.
Kellam said:
It's the Year of Luigi, so the only choice that'd make sense is having Luigi playable.
I don't see how that would make sense in any way, shape, or form. I have nothing against Luigi, but he has no place whatsoever in the in Donkey Kong Country series.