Count until a wiki staff member posts

Yes it's going to be a cold day tomorrow folks. We are expecting scattered showers tomorrow at a minimum temperature of 48°F. A cold front is sweeping the east coast of Wiki Land, though it's expected to ease up later in the week. Keep inside and stay dry folks, I'll see you tomorrow night.

Now back to Demidevimon with the Daily Demi Thought.
If 49 is a square number, why isn't it shaped like a square?

Now back to GBAToad with the finance news
The Wiki Land stock market soared today as multiple investments in counting and :posh: boosted our economy by a healthy 50%. Check your stocks people the wiki economy is booming. Now back to Demidevimon with our closing statement.

WIKI 50.0% GBA 50.0% DEMI 50.0% YK 50.0% COUNT 50.0% POSH 50.0% W10 50% N64 50.0% :dk: 50.0% N64 50.0% LGM 50.0% ETC 50.0%
51 News, only on Channel 52, the home of television.

Agent 54, I've uncovered this silver knife lodged deep into the right shoulder of the deceased, shall we investigate further?
Yes, and look what I've found, in the blood the number 55 has been written

You're watching Channel 56, we're SO much better than Channel 52.
OH Raspberries. Dry up YK.


Everybody Loves Demidevimon
Two and a Half Kongs (starring :yoshi::dk:)

Let's go to Channel 3 instead.