Who do you think was or is the most evil person in history?

Crocodile Dippy said:
Coin Heaven said:
The First Crusade was the only one where the Christian church was successful.
they were close to conquering Jerusalem during the Third Crusade, but Richard and Saladin were smart enough to organise a treaty rather than spill more blood. That agreement was perfectly fine until the Christians decided to invade again with the Fourth Crusade for no better reason than because "*bleep* Muslims (and East Orthodox Christians)"
Those were perhaps two of the most interesting characters from medieval history, Richard the Lionhearted and Saladin. And dont forget their contemporaries Peter the Hermit. Bohemon was from the first crusade.
Mason said:
NSY said:
Hitler, no contest
NSY said:
no contest

Well, you also have to remember that Hilter did all of that within 11 years, while Zedong did all those murders within a span of 33 years.

A scary thought is what if Hilter had been in control for another 22 years? I mean, the deaths might even surpassed Zedong's murders because at the rate Hilter was going, it would have been MUCH worse.
Most Christians couldn't even read the Bible so if the pope said "Alright guys, I got God on line two and he says to kill Muslims" that's what they did.

Anywho, I find it hard to judge who the most evil person in history is, but I'd have to go with Hitler because of the Nazi experiments or Mao because of the sheer number or victims.
dont call him zedong you guys, hes chinese. zedong is his given name. call him mao
what kind of thread even is this
i thought i was the only one thinking this

i mean i know its off topic but my personal opinion is that topics like these and considering the age group of the forums, they couldnt really care less
When looking at Mason's picture, it looks like Hitler was just a weakling, compared to Zedong.
MKGirlism said:
When looking at Mason's picture, it looks like Hitler was just a weakling, compared to Zedong.

aaaaaa his surname name is mao!