1,000,000 things we hate!

1,651. My shyness stopping me every time I consider live streaming
1,655.People who think that Nintendo is for babies.I freaking hate those people.They should burn in ####.
1657. There was this one time in 4th grade where another kid seemed to hate me for no reason at all
1659. Not being able to get the right tolerance setting for recolors
randomperson55 said:
1,658. Stepping on Lego bricks
Oh come on, that barely hurts at all!

1,660: Seating plans in lessons where you desperately need help and get shoved in the corner at the back by someone who ignores you and chats to their friend for the whole lesson.
1661. People that will always try to find a way to ridicule you whatever you say, even when that doesn't make any f__king sense!
1664. People doing 30 in a 40 MPH zone, aka basically everyone on Beach Road right near my house
1666. People overusing completely unfunny memes
1672. Homework in the first place.