Runaway Peach - A Super Mario Parody

Hey guys! I'm a YouTuber and I thought I'd share my latest video here, just to see what fellow Mario fans think of it! The video was based on this idea: what if Bowser isn't the bad guy? What if Peach set him up? Lol! I'm the one playing Bowser. Let me know what you guys think; all critiques welcome

Thanks in advance!
Kahriq Salil
I lol'd, that was pretty good!
I am going to warn you that just creating an account for the sake of publicity is kind of frowned upon. Not attacking you or anything, but just sayin'.

That said, though, I'll admit it's well made. It's funny. Nice work!
Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude or anything. Whenever I make a video, I try to find people who will enjoy and appreciate it so I can share it with them. I would have posted as a guest but I don't think that's possible lol. Thanks for watching though!
Toad Eightyfive said:
I am going to warn you that just creating an account for the sake of publicity is kind of frowned upon. Not attacking you or anything, but just sayin'.
I think this is just a Fan Creation, which is what this board is about. Nothing wrong.

I found it funny.
Entertaining. You might wanna put a disclaimer that there's cussing and whatnot in the original post, but the video itself was quite good.