Steam Summer Sale 2013


Guess who's back. Guess who's keeping this name.
So, this is on. What are you guys buying, what have you bought, what do you wish you had the money for that is still too expensive for you? Here's my wishlist:
I've gotten SR3 for my brother and Scribblenauts Unlimited so far.

Both for five bucks.

I really hope the next community choice is GTA IV
Well dammit, I wish I waited to buy The Basement Collection because it's only a dollar right now.
What i want to buy:
Scribblenauts for 5 bucks, Don't Starve for 9 bucks, Monaco for 10 bucks, HL2 episode 1 and 2 for 4 bucks each, the basement collection for 1 buck.

I might not get Don't Starve, but i'm definitely getting all the others.
I've been saving.

More purchases: Bully, GTA IV, Sleeping Dogs, Far Cry 3, Surgeon Sim(twice actually, one for my bro), another copy of scribblenauts for a friend, a copy of Boishock 2 for another friend. Dark Souls for my bro.
Boishock? Sounds nice. Or did you mean Bioshock?
Summer Sale's ending today, sadly.

However, I did get Super Meat Boy, Hotline Miami, Ultimate Doom (for both me and Packy), and Binding of Isaac. And it all only cost me $14.71 (because Hotline Miami was given to me free by a friend).

I'm still irked that LIMBO never went on sale, though. With all this birthday money, I'll probably buy it sometime this week.
i wish it lasted for like 3 more weeks so i could take advantage of it.

Damn buying a 3ds and more 3ds games sure did take its toll.
Sale ended, I got Monaco a minute before it ended.

I also got HL2 Episode 1 and 2, and Super Scribblenauts.

I was going to get Omerta: City of Gangsters, but the demo crashed too much.
Gundam Tanaka said:
i spent 0.00 on it

i'm a bad smart person

Gundam Tanaka said:
no I told you I wanted to buy things and then you told me to buy other things

I was recommending other games to get. I wasn't outright telling you to get games. And either way, technically, I still recommended for you to spend money.
I spent a total of twenty dollars. Ten dollars towards TF2. I opened a few crates and got the Greased Lightning (Scout), The Powdered Practitioner (Medic), The Pom-Pommed Provocateur, (Spy) and The Whirly Warrior (Soldier). I got a couple of paints too.

And with the other half I bought two copies of the Basement Collection and two copies of Terraria for me and my partner in crime.
I spent
Yes, I spent so much money I had to steal Lincoln's remains and sell them to finance my shopping spree.
most of what I bought isn't for me, but yes. Yes I am.