DC Cinematic Universe

im more upset at this general attitude that critics are shills just because they disagree with other people's opinion. people send death threats over this shit.

the fact is, the DCEU has sucked so far. I enjoyed both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, but they were undeniably messy films that were more concerned with setting up a franchise than actually being good movies. hell, the general audience hated Batman v Superman too. the fact is that critics tend to have legitimate criticisms of movies; fans are the biased ones, because they're betting their pride and hopes on these movies.

i really hope suicide squad is a good movie. im going to see it because it looks visually interesting. but i also know that the movie had a troubled production, filled with reshoots and studio meddling. and so if the result is something that turned a lot of people off, i understand why
i most certainly do not agree with death threats, or that petition to shut down rotten tomatoes

that shit cray
this is actually a pretty good review and response to everyone freaking out about this movie

About the critics vs. audience thing, Nostalgia Critic actually made a video on the subject.
He brings up some good points I think.
it's weird how much people say american beauty has aged badly, but it feels more like people misinterpreted it when it came out as some kind of empowering male fantasy a la fight club; i still think both are very good movies but they're very clearly critiques of that mentality

i feel like the video is pretty skin-deep... critics didn't like the lego movie because it "connected with their immaturity", they liked it because it's a movie with good jokes and good themes

he does a lot of generalization where it's either "critics loved" or "critics hated" when for the movies he picks it's usually in between. it's ironic because he later talks about critics not being one big entity

the very name of the video seems to betray its message: it's "when are critics wrong". it's an opinion, and like all opinions, they differ. if critics never align with you, then don't listen to them. that's fine

the problem is that recently people start crying "blasphemy!" as soon as critics release reviews that are different than what fans want them to be, and then claim that critics simply don't get "fun" films or whatever, even before they've seen the movie. TDKR got fantastic reviews, yet the few people who gave negative reviews got death threats, despite people coming to agree that it's a somewhat weak movie. BvS got awful reviews, and fans went nuts, even though after seeing it, most people didn't like it. and now suicide squad has come out, and before fans have even had the chance to see the movie, we're hearing that critics have been paid off by disney or whatever to hate DC films

i hope to god i like this movie. i've liked many movies most critics haven't, and i've disliked many movies critics loved. but please, there's no need to scapegoat critics
right so i just got back from watching this movie, and here's my honest opinion about it:

jesus fucking christ that was amazing

there isn't much dancing around the plot before getting straight into it when you come into the movie, they just get straight to the point

the first few minutes are basically giving us backstory on the characters, while davis' character explains what she wants to do

harley was sexy. really sexy. like "oh my god fall to your knees and thank god for creating you as a man" sexy. may not be what you want to hear, but she stole the film for me. robbie's australian accent sort of seeps through in some scenes, but she does the new york accent amazingly

leto as joker was absolutely fantastic, and before you ask if i thought he was better than ledger's joker, let me just say that they are two very different people in a way - this joker is more of a mob boss, yet gets extremely dangerous when he needs to be. his role is rather small in places, and to the average person you might find his role is a little unneeded, but it works well to the plot

this movie does something that most movies don't usually do - it makes the villains (even the batshit crazy ones like joker and harley quinn) seem more human. harley quinn even calls out another character on some of their past actions (i won't tell you which character or what actions, too spoilery) and joker does a lot of nice shit too in order to protect harley (again, specifics will get you spoiler'd)

now for the really spoilerific stuff:

as many people correctly predicted, delevingne's character is the main villain, which i'm really cool with. she posed a very credible threat, and her relationship with rick flagg actually means something on attempting to get her back. her brother was also really cool

i was surprised on how fast slipknot got killed off. honestly was expecting him to actually do something before they blew his head up

el diablo's death was also unexpected, but justified to the plot. his tragic backstory made him seem very human, which is nice

loved boomerang, he was mainly there for comic relief but proves himself as a member of the team more than once, acting as a distraction in the final battle against enchantress

i liked the surprise cameos from batfleck and flash. batfleck also has a mid credits scene which leads into justice league which is neat-o

from what i can tell between the split reviews from both the fans and the critics, this is a marmite situation - you either love it or you hate it. personally, i can't really see where the critics are coming from on this one, there's a few bits where the plot is a little choppy, but that's just it, the whole movie as a whole flows well. they were right about the characters being funny and having depth (boomerang proves this well) however.

if you are skeptical about this movie because of the reviews, don't be. it's worth seeing either way. this movie is unlike batman v superman, it's much lighter and comical, yet can still be dark when it needs to be. it actually has a little bit of scott pilgrim vs the world influence in it from what i've seen

but yeah, if you like it, you like it, if you hate it, you hate it. Personally i think this is a brilliant movie, and i'm glad i didn't listen to the critics this time around, even if my comments from earlier were antiquated and rude (sorry about that btw)
hoooooo boy, i have a lot of thoughts on this movie. i'm going to post them before i read anyone else's thoughts

normally my response to this kind of movie would be "eh", but dc fans deserve better. the movie isn't particularly annoying to watch or anything, it was just... kind of boring and really badly put together. i think one of my biggest disappointments was the use of music, where it seemed like they just took some songs and laid them on top of scenes. it didn't work at all, and it didn't help that the songs just kept going on and on for the first half of the movie. plus, spirit in the sky? really?

thoughts on all the squad members:
-harley quinn: another huge disappointment. she was annoying and not funny, and i feel like her character needed more personality other than "crazy girl who loves the joker"

-the joker: what was the point of him being in the movie again? leto's joker really made me appreciate heath ledger, because all i could think of while watching this incarnation is that it was jared leto. at no point did i ever see the joker as anything other than an actor trying to act ~crazy~

-deadshot: one of the best parts of the movie. will smith is great, which is no surprise. he felt the closest this movie had to a lead

-diablo: he didn't say much but was easily one of the best characters of the movie. he could have been in it a bit more, but im still generally happy with how he was done

-boomerang: i genuinely forgot this guy was in the movie half the time. i don't know what he was supposed to be doing

-killer croc: if he weren't so recognizable i'd forget he was in the movie, too. he had like, what, three lines?

-katana: i really like her design, but again, wasn't used well at all. she was also kinda badly handled in the action scenes

waller: i wasn't crazy about her but i liked how menacing she was

-rick flag: boring

-enchantress: boring

which brings me to the action scenes, which were, again, meh. they weren't aggressively bad, just not really very interesting. it was more or less people shooting at a bunch of faceless monsters. none of the fights felt memorable

the movie took way too long to get going; we shouldn't need an hour to justify the existence of the suicide squad when the trailer can do it in two minutes. this was by far the worst part of the movie, it was really clumsily handled and there was too much exposition. in general the plot was bad and too convoluted, and we get an awful villain, but that's the status quo with superhero movies these days i guess

the best part of this movie was the bar scene. in fact, it felt like it was from a completely different movie. i actually felt like i was watching characters instead of generic superheroes with various powers

the last fight, however, was really disappointing. at least it didn't drag on too long, but the whole thing was silhouetted, and i had pretty much no idea who was doing what.

villain was overpowered yet still lost for no good reason, but that's to be expected

the flashbacks at the beginning, with the meeting with waller and the other army guy. oh my god. jesus christ. this went on for like 20 minutes, and the whole thing was shot like some middle schooler's first film.

overall, it wasn't painful to watch, i just... wasn't invested at all, and thought it was really badly done.

also, i hate jared leto
oh yeah, two things that REALLY pissed me off

the rapsheets for the characters when they were introduced - these went by way too fast. i barely caught that boomerang loved pink unicorns, which was rather important because otherwise people would just be asking "why does he have a unicorn??"

and two, the biggie - fake deaths all around. we all love this, right? no one can die in a superhero movie. don't even bother trying to make me think that they killed off the joker. obviously he's not dead. they did it with jane too, and they kinda did it with harley, and it's just disgusting and overused and im sick of it

if you can see it for cheap it's worth seeing at least once. will smith as deadshot is great, as was el diablo and killer croc

its kinda a dumb movie but it's still more fun that batman v superman because it doesn't take itself seriously 100% of the time
Ron Swanson said:
Suicide Squad

yeah, I need a while to get my thoughts together
welp, here we go

-harley quinn: pretty decent protrayal of the character here, compared to...
-joker: tbh this is the weakest joker I've ever seen. at least with nicholson or hamill or ledger, their version of him was like insanity was in their veins. leto, meanwhile, came off as being crazy for the sake of being crazy, and the behind the scenes stories doesn't make him any better in my mind
-deadshot: will smith killed it as usual, favorite character from this movie
-el diablo: had an interesting backstory, kinda wish he wasn't killed off but w/e
-captain boomerang: couldn't give a crap about him
-killer croc & katana: both of them IMO were great characters in concept, but the film didn't use them well, especially katana. hell, she didn't come off as a villain to me; yes, her motive was to avenge her husband, but that didn't scream "bad" to me.
-slipknot: ...what ABOUT slipknot? considering he was the only character without a backstory, said literally 10 words, and got killed off soon after, I don't get why he was in this at all lol

-let me just start off and say that, yes, the, pop songs were bloody ridiculous. I must've counted almost 8 songs in the first 10 minutes, seriously. it's like a school play having the first act be nothing but cringey pop culture jokes
-speaking of which, something I found odd about this was the pacing. between the backstory galore that was the first part and the bar scene (which was the best scene btw) it never really gave you a chance to connect to any of the characters whose name wasn't slipknot
-for the plot, it was pretty basic but that's not always a bad thing
overall this movie was admittedly disappointing