Your Worst Mario Characters


I hate you so much.
MrRoidley said:
Not a character I necessarily hate but I hate what he become.

I always loved Metal Mario as his own character. Whether being a "villain" in Smash, a special character in Mario Golf...
Until Mario Kart 7 gave that stupid voice to him. It doesn't sound like a robot or anything, it sounds like Mario is underwater or something. It's really annoying. Either keep him silent or just give him Mario's normal voice. Maybe putting a effect similar to what Metal Sonic has in Sonic Heroes could work, but idk...
Anyways, now I don't like in games anymore, he became just annoying to me

So basically you want Metal Mario to be even more of a waste of space.

Oh G.
Baby Luigi said:
I actually like it that Metal Mario has a warbled voice. It's probably the first time I heard someone say they prefer him silent or having the exact voice as Mario.

It's probably because I have too much of Metal Mario in Smash in my mind. He was completely silent in both SSB64 and Melee, so when it came MK7 with that warbled voice, it just... Didn't sit that well with me

Swiftie_Luma said:
So basically you want Metal Mario to be even more of a waste of space.

Oh G.

I don't get why changing Metal Mario's voice would make him more or less of a roster filler than he already is, it's just his current voice irks me so much. But oh well, each to their own :P
it makes him at least more different than Mario. Taking away uniqueness from a character is never a good choice , even less if said character is literally a retextured existing character
Mcmadness said:
"I can't keep up with plot points this complicated!"

or stupid

that works too
I was more voicing my hatred towards the characterization.
I think the line is telling of some possible tension within the staff regarding the larger emphasis on story. Although it has never been outright confirmed, I have a feeling the game had a pretty troubled production. Keep in mind the game was originally meant to be released for the Nintendo GameCube and yet despite the delay, the game still feels like it was rushed in key areas. The character and map design especially seemed to have suffered. As far as voicing, they had to resort to using a one-time understudy for Bowser and bringing back Peach's VA from the N64 era because NoA was mid-recast at the time. I wouldn't be surprised if Eric Newsome in particular they just decided on because they already had him there working on Meta Knight's voice for the upcoming Smash Bros game. Even the title just seems indicative that they didn't have time to come up with a proper subtitle.

What I think might have happened is the game was in pre-production and all set to be one of the GameCube's swan songs, but the script director (who is mysteriously not credited in the final game) wanted to keep going bigger and bigger and so production was halted several times until they got it exactly to their liking. There was eventually a falling out due to said delays and the unnamed script director quit the project and requested they not be credited.

Of course, none of this could be true, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least.
Mcmadness said:

I hate you so much.
Just curious, but if you were given the opportunity to either make Bowser more in-character or remove what you dislike about the story and OCs, which would you choose?
This is more from a gameplay perspective, but I'm not a fan of the Pokey bosses in Paper Jam. For how early in the game they are, they sure are a big difficulty spike since you frequently have to jump with all 3 characters at different times. As much as I'd like another Paper Jam if done right, I have to admit I'm not a fan of having 3 characters who jump separately in general. The Pokeys are what made me realize that.
Story and OCs, I can generally put up with a shitty Bowser characterization if everything else is solid.

Prime example superstar saga.
I do think he's funny in those RPGs thought.
Not worth the expense of his villain cred.

I find him at his best when he's raging at the idiocy and ridiculousness of the world around him, not when he himself is being too dumb to tie his own shoes.
Ok I get that.

Does he even wear shoes?
Well I used to say "too dumb to tie his own shoes if he ever wore any"

But then Super Mario Odyssey happened.
All this fancy mafia thing outfit and still no shoes actually.
He's wearing steel toed footwear of some kind.
I finally remembered the main reason I don't like Hammer Bro. The way he says "HALLO!!!" reminds me of a spoilt brat I had to deal with back in my high school days.
Luigi 64DD said:
I like Hammer Bro., but his voice in Mario Party games is annoying and kind of uncharacteristic.

Same with Super Sluggers, his voice in that game gets kinda annoying after a while.
I don't really mind that voice nowadays, but when I first heard them coming out of Hammer Bro, that just weirded me out!
I first heard it in Super Mario Strikers and I enjoyed his voice.
I enjoy it so much, like most electrocution screams in that game.
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't they use a much different voice for Hammer bros these days?
Nah, ever since Super Mario Strikers, they kept that voice. They had a different voice in Mario Party and Mario Superstar Baseball, but those were ditched in favor of his current voice.