I have a new/avatar/sig/whatever.

Time Turner said:
The Spice Melange said:
GalacticPetey said:
Or be like me and use mspaint.

Let's be honest though, mine turned out better than yours.
The bottom of your sig looks uneven to me.

How so? Sure, some of my cropping resulted in too short images, but the actually thing isn't uneven.

GalacticPetey said:
The Spice Melange said:
GalacticPetey said:
Or be like me and use mspaint.

Let's be honest though, mine turned out better than yours.
But mine has Batman.
Mine has Princess Monoke. At least 20 times more badass than batman.
credit to GD for making the image
Marisa said:
Gundam Tanaka said:
Time Turner said:
Panne said:
Time Turner said:
does your signature make sense
it's nice cage.

of course it does make sense.
good point

have any of you actually watched any of his movies
does Homestuck count
dude you gotta at least watch national treasure

also that sig is priceless
actually I have seen some of those movies
I have put a rotation of characters as my avatar. They are bowser, wario, captain wario and 9-volt now.
Credit to Crash for the new sig.
Honestly, it looks really busy, with these hills.
As if my signature didn't look fantastic enough, I decided to make it have some nice flair and shrink it.

I just felt like adding the backloggery again and it really doesn't matter how bad I make my column thing look.