I have a new/avatar/sig/whatever.

Watch me change my icon and signature like every two days. Let's see how long the cosmic cats last.


EDIT: to clarify this is me laughing at my past self because I 100% read myself well
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It's my second year anniversary on the forums (well at least with this account) and I decided to theme after a Thomas & Friends character to celebrate (because let's be honest, I feel at this point you should just expect the majority of my themes to be T&F characters).

Thought about theming after either Emily (since she's my fave character) or Thomas again, but then I figured that I always theme after the characters who are steam engines, so why not theme after one of the diesels instead for once.

And hey, who's the most iconic diesel engine in the franchise other than Diesel himself?
Hehe, look guys at my new avatar!
it is time for another pfp change I have transformed from awesome idiot dude from hit game Grandia to awesome middle-aged badass swordsman also from hit game Grandia
My brain a few weeks ago: Hey, how about for April Fools' Day, you do a one day theme where you pretend that you're obsessed with Chuggington and not Thomas & Friends?

Me to my brain: Alright, that sounds like it'll be pretty funny.
New avatar is Periwinkle from Magitech!
I found this weird still off a site and idk I like it because Mario looks like he's kissing the ball.
im done with my weird 'theme after a dead cereal mascot' thing i did so i've gone back to my normal username cuz i'm kind of tired of theming tbh. (actually meant to change my username back yesterday but forgot)

anyways new avatar is zoe from doctor who. she's awesome.