I have a new/avatar/sig/whatever.

Readded Supremo forum link again.
grimAuxiliatrix said:
Ice Luigi said:
Removed sig for now, thinking of good ideas.

Was there a Pokemon name fad at some point?

A Mega Man fad is going on right now, so you might join that.

btw, why do people feel they need to join fads. Can't you guys just like....use a nick that you want and not be mindless drones following the coat-tails of someone you think is cooler? Who cares what fad is going on now. You don't need to follow it, and if anything, the constant bouncing between fads and such makes you look, uhhh...what's a nice way to put this...................not smart? idk. btw, this isn't directed towards the person I'm quoting specifically, it's a general statement