I have a new/avatar/sig/whatever.

Godzilla said:
I have a GalacticPetey theme. My avatar is from Godzilla, my custom title is from Zelda, my personal text is from Bruce Springsteen, and my sig is from Dragon Ball Z.

EDIT: And my location is from The Last Airbender
Hmmm... something (Petey_Piranha) is missing!
I just realized, this is the first time my theme has been a female character.
Shy Guy Forever said:
Johnny David Renoir said:
Baby Sonic from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog crying.
I can tell you have a thing for crying.
Yes, as am I. 8)

No really, I'm being obsessed with that kind of stuff.
After days of waiting, my rotating avatar is now functional. More images of Duskull can be unleashed >:D
dammit why is it that every time I actually have a cool theme I end up stealing it

anyways changed to Sawako now
Crackin did you end up making the gita? If you did I must have missed it, soz. :<
Pink Gold Fanta said:
Crackin did you end up making the gita? If you did I must have missed it, soz. :<

(You got your cra's mixed up)


I can try cropping it later if you don't like all the transparent space.
Yui Hirasawa said:
Sorry crash! Thanks, by the way, will upload when I'm on computer next.

I feel like one of the Yui's should be walking into the other and it's starting to stress me out.
i am a cat driving a mercedes