Nintendo to launch a system letting you buy eShop games from PC/Smartphones


the coolest dude ever

it'll be available by the end of the year

and if there are any doubts, here's nintendo's official statement

Nintendo said:
By the end of the year, we will launch a system where you can purchase (content) from your computer or smartphone through strict account management.
That's kinda neat.
Dang I can't read the article.
NotABannableOffense said:
strict account management

aka Invasive DRM that won't do jack*bleep*

I thought Nintendo doesn't know how online works.
idgi, whats the advantage of this over just buying it from the actual e shop
you said that, but it doesnt really make sense. the wiiu and 3ds are both closed platforms running proprietary software. the idea of "invasive drm" doesn't even apply to them
Nintendo said:
By the end of the year, we will launch a system where you can purchase (content) from your computer or smartphone through strict account management.

It's about time. I'm not sure about general advantages, but I'll find this useful if I'm somewhere where my 3DS doesn't have a connection to the Internet (e.g. college).
Lefty, there is still room for learning new stuff, even at an ages old company like Nintendo.
MKGirlism said:
Lefty, there is still room for learning new stuff, even at an ages old company like Nintendo.

Huh, I didn't mean for my comment to be taken literally; I'm just joking about how Nintendo seems to be considerably behind other companies when it comes to online-related things.

Nintendo is usually the company that innovates, so I'm sure Nintendo can still learn.