Roserade Damsel in Distress Forum Moderator Core 'Shroom Staff Awards Committee Poll Committee Pronouns They MarioWiki Roserade Jul 2, 2017 #3,076 Actually, 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 is the best number
Lily Let's Dive Pronouns SHE/HER Jul 2, 2017 #3,078 Code: Apple = Number Apple X 1 = ... ERROR APPLE = NUMBER NUMBER X 1 = NUMBER DOES NOT COMPUTE
Princess Céline It's teatime! Jul 3, 2017 #3,082 What apple? It could be a real apple or an apple product.
Arc Tracking the currents and lanes of the ocean Pronouns he/him MarioWiki Yoshi the SSM Jul 3, 2017 #3,088 Suddenly gets the apple with my tongue then put it in my hands and bends it by making it very soft then eats the apple.
Suddenly gets the apple with my tongue then put it in my hands and bends it by making it very soft then eats the apple.
Lily Let's Dive Pronouns SHE/HER Jul 3, 2017 #3,089 Princess Zelda said: I have magic powers, so I can bend it! Click to expand... Oh no! *Quickly eats apple* It was bendy the whole time, I just didn't want anyone else to eat it.
Princess Zelda said: I have magic powers, so I can bend it! Click to expand... Oh no! *Quickly eats apple* It was bendy the whole time, I just didn't want anyone else to eat it.
Arc Tracking the currents and lanes of the ocean Pronouns he/him MarioWiki Yoshi the SSM Jul 3, 2017 #3,090 I ate it before you did, though.
Princess Céline It's teatime! Jul 3, 2017 #3,092 Have you seen a CinemaSins video were Jeremy mentions what he thinks about apples?
Princess Céline It's teatime! Jul 5, 2017 #3,094 From yesterday until today. I'm now the last poster, therefore, I win!
Koops Agony Pronouns He/They MarioWiki ManKoops Jul 5, 2017 #3,095 Congratulations. Non saracstic celebration
Koops Agony Pronouns He/They MarioWiki ManKoops Jul 5, 2017 #3,097 Why ask me? You are supposed to win by yourself, no one is supposed to make you win.
Arc Tracking the currents and lanes of the ocean Pronouns he/him MarioWiki Yoshi the SSM Jul 5, 2017 #3,099 Now I am going to win.
Koops Agony Pronouns He/They MarioWiki ManKoops Jul 6, 2017 #3,100 Overconfidence: The attitude that can get you killed.