last person to post wins

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Who wants a dose of experimental hydroxyacelunodosetrase?
I'm winning!!
cause this game is fun! It seems like the only way we would ever loose right now is if we lost all of our lives and got a game over,which...probably won't happen. :P
(Plus, it seems like everyone wants to win right now.)

(Toatlly off subject, but your advatar's cool by the way :D)
i will never give up Aegisalsh
I like how N64dude always randomly breaks conversations.
Ok, I will use the yoshi emote for the first time!! :yoshi: yay!!!
DragonFreak said:
:keyzer: :keyzer:

Keyzers are better.
I have a question. Where do you find all of these smilies?
DragonFreak said:
Well, when you hit reply, there's a line of smilies. There's a "more" button. Click on that, and there's more smilies.

....oh -_-

That's sorta hard to notice. But thanks! :shy: :goomba: :metal:
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