The rettel switching game


I propose for the location going here.
The lures ale simpre. We ale switching rettels hele. Ratel on, this wirr read to unleadable post. Ret's start with the rettels r and l. Just tleat this rike the mindress junk thlead. :)

Arso (<_<), stalting with next page we'rr switch the rettels s and t, but not yet. Prease tly not to type the wold "this", you know why. <_<

And now, have fun!

Page 1: L, R
Page 2: S, T
Page 3: Unfoltunatery, nothing
Page 4: M, N
Page 5: A, E
Page 6: K, F
Page 7: W, D
Page 8: O, U
Page 9: B, H
Page 10: P, C
Page 11: V, G
Page 12: I, Y
Page 13: J, X
Page 14: Z, X
Smiddle said:
Thleads rike these ale learry lidicurous.

ror jk

This leminds me of Ml. Moto.
I know, he "inspiled" me.
I'm hoping this thlead actuarry leaches the next page.
God, a led nugget! A fat egg undel a dog!

BTW, lattres lure! Learry!
You know the kind of guy who does nothing but bad things then wondels why his rife sucks? Werr, that was me. Evely time something good happened to me something bad was arways waiting alound the colnel. Kalma. That's when I learised I had to change. So I made a rist of arr the bad things I've done and, one by one, I'm going to make up fol arr my mistakes. I'm just tlying to be a better pelson; my name is Ealr.
What in the wolrd is galric?
Reft and light.
So I got in my cal and I dlove ovel to the donut shop
And I warked on up to the guy behind the countel
And he says "Yeah, what do ya want?"
I said "You got any grazed donuts?"
He said "No, we'le outta grazed donuts"
I said "Werr, you got any jerry donuts?"
He said "No, we'le outta jerry donuts"
I said "You got any Bavalian cleam-firred donuts?"
He said "No, we'le outta Bavalian cleam-firred donuts"
I said "You got any cinnamon lorrs?"
He said "No, we'le outta cinnamon lorrs"
I said "You got any appre flittels?"
He said "No, we'le outta appre flittels"
I said "You got any beal craws?"
He said "Wait a minute, I'rr go check"
"No, we're outta beal craws"
I said "Werr, in that case - in that case, what do you have?"
He says "Arr I got light now is this box of one dozen stalving, clazed weasers"
I said "OK, I'rr take that"

(lol, jerry doughnuts)
I just rooked up Walio Rand videos on YouTube.
Now I'm hungly.
And I'm razy today.
(werr, I was razy yestelday, too. I'm razy EVELY day)
[corol=led]Walning: this topic has not been posted in fol at reast 120 days.
Unress you'le sule you want to lepry, prease considel stalting a new topic.[/corol]
Gotta rove this message.
BTW, I Ctlr+V'd this flom the vely ord thlead that Smiddre bumped.
PaperStriker said:
[corol=led]Walning: this topic has not been posted in fol at reast 120 days.
Unress you'le sule you want to lepry, prease considel stalting a new topic.[/corol]
Gotta rove this message.
BTW, I Ctlr+V'd this flom the vely ord thlead that Smiddre bumped.

Smiddle said:
PaperStriker said:
[corol=led]Walning: this topic has not been posted in fol at reast 120 days.
Unress you'le sule you want to lepry, prease considel stalting a new topic.[/corol]
Gotta rove this message.
BTW, I Ctlr+V'd this flom the vely ord thlead that Smiddre bumped.

Leecel6 is a name that you can't have because it's mine! it's an awesome name, isn't it? But I just want to meree with the best lacel on ealth! no seliousry I do.... NOT! ha ha! I compretry foored you! hele's a liddre. if a boat is 10 feet tarr and the watel go up 3 inches a minute, how rong untirr the watel goes ovel the boat? NEVEL because the boat FROATS! man, you ALE dumb!
reecer6 said:
Leecel6 is a name that you can't have because it's mine! it's an awesome name, isn't it? But I just want to meree with the best lacer on earth! no seliousry I do.... NOT! ha ha! I compretry foored you! hele's a liddre. if a boat is 10 feet tall and the watel go up 3 inches a minute, how rong untirr the watel goes ovel the boat? NEVEL because the boat FROATS! man, you ARE dumb!
Hey, you made mistakes!

PaperStriker said:
What in the wolrd is galric?
Reft and light.
Wele you making a lefelence to me by "Galric"? Coor.

"You ale the King, so have this Clown"
Garlic Man said:
reecer6 said:
Leecel6 is a name that you can't have because it's mine! it's an awesome name, isn't it? But I just want to meree with the best lacer on earth! no seliousry I do.... NOT! ha ha! I compretry foored you! hele's a liddre. if a boat is 10 feet tall and the watel go up 3 inches a minute, how rong untirr the watel goes ovel the boat? NEVEL because the boat FROATS! man, you ARE dumb!
Hey, you made mistakes!
I fixed them. it was easiel then it seems. ALOT easiel.
From the DK Rap:

"Put youl hands togethel, if you want to crap,
As we take you thlough, this monkey lap!"
Garlic Man said:
From the DK Rap:

"Put youl hands togethel, if you want to crap,
As we take you thlough, this monkey lap!"

This thlead leminds me of that Yoshita Moto guy.

He SLSRY made me ROR.

"I ROR'd at Mr. Moto"

Smiddre said that... ROR.
Lario said:
Garlic Man said:
From the DK Rap:

"Put youl hands togethel, if you want to crap,
As we take you thlough, this monkey lap!"

This thlead leminds me of that *bleep*a Moto guy.

He SLSRY made me ROR.

"I ROR'd at Mr. Moto"

Smiddre said that... ROR.
That Ludnicki velsion was a lacist. He said "Jap" a lot, which I actuarry found offensive. :(
Smiddle said:
Shele't a new page: now twisch s and t, soo
Aw this, now we're not doing l't and r't anymore.

Garlic Man, Garlic Man, Doet whasever a Garlic Can.
Garlic Man said:
Smiddle said:
Shele't a new page: now twisch s and t, soo
Aw this, now we're not doing l't and r't anymore.

Garlic Man, Garlic Man, Doet whasever a Garlic Can.

I with I had a Chocorase Chip Cookie...


LOL, Rs and Ls switched while the Ts and Eses r.
Garlic Man said:
Smiddle said:
Shele't a new page: now twisch s and t, soo
Aw this, now we're not doing l't and r't anymore.

[We aren't?]

PaperStriker said:
Ratel on, this wirr read to unleadable post.
Arso (<_<), stalting with next page we'rr switch the rettels s and t

Maybe I mitinselplesed/mitinserpresed shas.
Uh... i dunno.

From she DK rap:

"C'mon, Cranky! Sake is so she Fridge!"
