Looking for Mario flashgames


Hey guys,

just found out about this forum via google search, because I'm looking for Mario flashgames. I especially search the original ones like Super Mario Land, because I link them with some special childhood memories. I once had the first Gameboy series with the black&white screen and played Super Mario Land on it for a long long time. A few years ago I made the decision to sell the Gameboy and my games, but now I just want to play those original titles again so badly. Therefore I searched the web for some Mario games and found some like this one (http://spiele.woxikon.de/spiel/super-mario-flash-4) and it's really fun, but I'm still looking for the ones I played in my childhood with exactly the same level structure and so on. Is it even possible to get those ones on PC as flashgames or should I just stop my search right now?
Responded through PM.
I don't think Super Mario Land will ever come as a Flash game.
It's proprietary of Nintendo, and nobody knows its Source Code, making an exact Port impossible.
Ok, that really makes sense. I just thought that it would be possible, that just some of the levels of the original Gameboy and SNES games could be rebuild as a flash game. I mean there are games like this one (http://spiele.woxikon.de/spiel/super-mario-flash), which even have a level editor included, so maybe there is a possiblity to "copy" some of the games. But therefore a huge effort would be needed, so I understand, that there are maybe easier ways to play those games than rebuilding them as flash games.
Why did you bump this? This was from August of last year. I'm sure the problem was solved by now,