Control the Throne II

Dr. Javelin is suddenly revealed to be working with Neptune from behind the scenes. It's unknown what his current plans are, but this transmission was intercepted:

Operation complete.

I await only the signal.

Agent Javelin
"D-Did you hear that?"

Freakworld and Tucayo looked at the door. It was open.

They were running fast through the building. There are weird people, everywhere. As they were running through the building they suddenly find an escape pod room.

In the room was a single spacecraft. "Good, now we can get out of here!", Tucayo said.

As soon as they pressed the launch button though, a loud arlarm could be heared, as they were shot in the sky.

Back at The 'Shroom HQ, GBAToad was standing in the elevator alone, watching the floor indicator slowly approach 6. Elevator music filled the compartment. As the lift neared Floor 5 it began to slow to a crawl, and then stop completely as it reached its destination. An automated voice spoke from overhead. "Floor 5, Archives."

GBAToad sighs in frustration. Whoever called the lift was going to get it.

The elevator doors slid back, revealing a tall, mysterious figure standing in the doorway, backed by two large accomplices. GBAToad recognized the figure almost immediately, but before he could say the devil's name or defend himself, he was pulled into the archives, thrown rather painfully onto the ground and knocked unconscious by one of the henchmen.

From behind a bookshelf marked Issue 64, Tucayo's secretary Jessica witnesses the entire event. She frantically begins typing a distress message on her cell phone, hoping that its intended recipient was still alive.


The Shroobs have infiltrated the headquarters.
I don't know what's going on but wherever you are,
your position is in jeopardy.


Jessica scrolls through her inbox and finds a very important message addressed to Dr. Javelin, CC'd from Tucayo. She hesitates, then forwards the message along with its attachment to her accomplice. She waits for the henchmen to depart with GBAToad's limp body, then rushes down the fire exit to continue her work. Little did Tucayo know, her confused personality was merely a ruse.
GBAToad said:
Just to recap, Bowser45 and Master Tantusar are at Tantusar's house on the Island of Trolls enjoying popcorn. Fawful and LN1 are in Fawful's castle and have just formed an alliance. Tucayo (who has been knocked unconcious) and King Neptune are in a tower (though I think Neptune was knocked into Tantusar's house, but whether this has been accepted as part of the story or not is the question). I'm not sure where Millennium is, but he isn't with Tantusar.

I am on my way to The 'Shroom HQ, King Rocker64 is still in his Town of Bandits, Drift and Megadardery are probably still in the town as well. Toad85 isn't playing and is drinking tea in his house. Dr. Javelin isn't playing as well, and approves of this thread. Freakworld is probably with Gordon Freeman in his imagination.

That was the last recap I did, though a bit has happened since then. (Once again, correct me if I'm wrong).
  • Tucayo and Freakworld are now conscious, I think they've just taken a space pod from the tower they woke up in. The tower seems to be owned by Millennium and located in the Mindless Junk board.
  • Neptune still has the throne in his tower (not his castle, which was destroyed earlier in the story). His mind is unstable and broken after the events that took place earlier in the game.
  • After shedding light on the origins of the mysterious throne, Master Tantusar betrayed his closest ally Bowser45 and left him to die in his burning house.
  • Bowser45's dying action was sharing this information with King Neptune via IM.
  • After almost reaching Tucayo's vacant office at The 'Shroom HQ, I have been captured by the Shroobs.
  • Dr. Javelin is actually playing, and has been revealed to be secretly working with Neptune as well.
  • Fawful and LN1 have gone separate ways, Fawful is searching Tantusar's Tower and LN1 is still searching Neptune's Tower.
  • Drift and Megadardery are still in the Town of Bandits, which is ruled by King Rocker64.
The story has gotten massive, but in short the throne appeared one day in Bowserpedia, and since then everyone has been trying to piece together the mysteries surrounding it to unlock its full power. As for everyone's intentions, some are out to utilize this power for their own benefit and others are out to destroy the throne entirely. Many have formed alliances, some are working individually, and others are working undercover. Reading through the last 10 substantial posts or something should bring you up to speed.
Neptune had been waiting in his tower for some time. Despite the fact that he had the throne, none of the dark energy was beginning to envelope him. He was in a secure area in his tower, where it would be highly unlikely for anybody to find him or the throne, without previously being there, however, considering this was still the place where the meeting took place. He waited, armed and ready, for any villain who would come through the door.

At this point in time, Neptune knew that antagonistic forces were breaching the two towers, searching high and low, but he was not concerned. What did concern him was the lack of communication between him and his order. He stood there, waiting, watching over his palantir. Finally, he gained communication. At first, he managed to contact InfectedShroom, who at the time was in the Barrow Downs, not far from where the towers were located.

"InfectedShroom" Neptune began. "A throne of evil energy is at hand. I have tried to contact the other members of the order, but with no luck." InfectedShroom soon began himself. "Is the throne with you there now?" he asked. "Yes, it is secure. But forces are breaching the tower as we seek. I have formed many alliances, but this gave me villainous emotions before. I will have to do penance once this is over."

InfectedShroom sighed. He knew that Neptune would need to undergo months of penance. Neptune knew this too, but he did not care. "What are your plans, Neptune?" InfectedShroom asked. "The first thing I need to do is to get this throne out of here. I already have a man on the mission. He should be arriving soon. We have to alert our allies to distract us before we can sneak the throne out."

"Hmm..." InfectedShroom added. "It is a dangerous task. If you are where I think you are, you will be right to take the eastern stairwell. You must find an open enough area to get the throne out. I would not recommend dropping it out of the windows, they are too small. Try heading for the door." Then Neptune remembered something; A large enough window on the third floor would be perfect to sneak the throne out. The one problem was that he was on the 15th floor, and to get down to the third floor, he would need a fantastic distraction.

"Wait for us at the Barrows, IS. We will bring the throne so that you can examine it." Neptune said. "Be careful of who you ally yourself with, Neptune. Not everyone might be on your side." InfectedShroom ended the conversation with those parting words. Neptune, still over his palantir, conducted a plan in his head.

"What was that?", Freakworld asked.

"Just my cellphone ringtone.", Tucayo responded.

While he was scrolling through his messages, Freakworld looked out the window as they were shot towards an ominous tower.

"Oh gee, what might th---"

They crashed into the tower. Freakworld crawled out of the wrecked ship. He saw a sign which read:

ok thanks for that recap, gbatoad

Once Freakworld and Tucayo had recovered, they noticed a figure watching them from above.
"Who are you?" asked Freakworld
As he said this, the figure began to move closer to them. As he came nearer, they were able to make out his appearance. He was a large albino gorilla, over 7 feet tall, and wearing the uniform of some kind of high-ranking army member.
"I am Herr Duck" said the gorilla "I have come here in search of a valuable treasure, one with so much power, that it could destroy the universe, should it fall into the wrong hands. Have you seen it, by any chance?"
Yeah, the recaps really help. Thanks!

Neptune had tied an extremely long piece of rope to the throne, and was now absailing down the side of the tower. The throne, being too big to get through the window, was the only thing holding Neptune's rope to the tower. Neptune managed to slide down to the third floor, and crashed right through the window. The room was empty, and on the opposite side of the room, was the window. A large, open, wide window. Neptune was impressed.

Neptune believed now would be the best time for the signal. Neptune shot a signal from his staff head. Javelin, who was hiding somewhere near the tower, biding his time, noticed the signal. Immediately, he flew up in his cloud straight to the third floor window, meeting with Neptune at last. "What do you need?" questioned Javelin. "The throne is on the fifteenth floor, behind a bookcase. In order for us to get the throne out in our hands, I need you to fly through with this rope and attach it to the throne on the other side so that we can pull it through." Javelin hurriedly continued "Won't it seem a bit obvious when we're pulling a large throne that everyone's searching for through the very tower that they're searching in?!" "Don't worry." stated Neptune. "I've got it covered."

The moment he stopped talking, hundreds of Bowserpedian officers came racing through the lobby, ready to attack the enemy. Javelin took the one end of the rope, and flew right through to the fifteenth floor. It was a library. There was no sound of the throne anywhere, so Javelin had to check every book in order to find a secret entrance. Meanwhile, Neptune was downstairs in the midst of all the fighting. He had to hold onto the rope, so that he knew when Javelin had found and attached the throne. Tantusar appeared. "Ah, Tantusar, I was beginning to get worried! Where's Bowser45?" He began. As soon as Neptune stated that, he got two text messages. They were from Bowser45 himself. One read of his information of the throne, and the other read of Tantusar's betrayal against Bowser45. Neptune looked up at Tantusar in shock. Tantusar immediately pulled out his sword and lashed at Neptune.

Neptune managed to defend against Tantusar, who was lashing out at Neptune even harder than before. In his haste, Tantusar accidentally cut one of the ropes, sending it flying outside, while the other flew right upstairs. Neptune managed to hurt Tantusar and knock him out of the window, where he fell into the water. Neptune immediately called Javelin on his mobile. "Javelin, the operation is compromised. Cut the throne out, and bring it straight downstairs, I repeat, cut the throne out and bring it straight downstairs!"

Javelin put down his phone, and pulled out every book in the library. It took him to the third bookshelf before he managed to find the secret entrance. Javelin immediately pulled out his javelin and stabbed the rope to cut the throne free. He grabbed the throne and flew straight with it downstairs. He barely managed to avoid being fired at before he met with Neptune on the fourth floor, where they both hurried down to the third floor. Neptune grabbed onto Javelin's cloud, and they both flew out of the window, heading straight for the barrow downs.

They landed on the outskirts of Bowserpedia, in Wikipedia where the Barrow Downs were located. "Bowser45 is dead, Tucayo and Freakworld are missing, Tantusar and LN1 have betrayed us, and we've got Fawful hot on our tail. And now we are hearing of this 'Ychoop'. What next?" Neptune stated wearily. Javelin then began to speak. "We mustn't give up hope. We will get this throne towards InfectedShroom, where he can examine it. Maybe then we can contact the rest of the order."

Javelin and Neptune headed straight for the Barrow Downs.
Meanwhile, in the deep, dark locations of The Mindless Junk Land, where the Millennium Tower is located, Lord Millennium decides to make some rufurbishments. Using dark magic and with the aid of his servants, he makes his tower twice the size as it was already! He then decides to invade more of the Forum World! He decides to launch an attack on the Forum Games, since the throne was created there, and thinks that he could find a clue on its location.
Freakworld stood at the window, shocked. They have just robbed the throne that he wanted to claim.

While Tucayo talked to Herr Duck, Freakworld came up with a plan. He got out his Gameboy Horror and called Dr. E. Gadd...

Meanwhile, in Tantusar's tower, Fawful was searching for the throne. "I have impatience. WHERE BE MY THRONE???" Just then, he hit a book that was lying on the table next to him. A loud bell was heared ringing, when Fawful got launched out of the building.

Suddenly, the Tower began transforming, getting a helicopter and flying off.

"What for god's sake...", asked Neptune, as he saw the giant tower flying in their direction.
Fawful flew right in front of Neptune's Tower and landed by the door. He met LN1 again. "The Throne we had. It was fake! A little disgusting tag on the side. It's like if a ring that made people invisible had a salesman every time you get it." Fawful said to LN1. "I will go back to my castle now and repair the door." Fawful said, flying up. He got to the top and looked in the window. He saw the throne. Empty and just sitting there. He broke the window, and flew inside.
While Tantusar's giant tower was flying into their direction, Prof. E. Gadd suddenly appeared with a ridiculously huge vaccum cleaner called the Towerbuster 1337.

However with Luigi not being there, there was nobody who could use it.

Then Freakworld and Tucayo appeared together with the giant gorilla Herr Duck.

Herr Duck then took the vacuum cleaner and threw it in the direction of the tower. Both got smashed and landed on the floor. Then Tantusar appeared.

"YOU MORONS, what did you do to my tower??? I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!", he said, before vanishing.

The others wondered where he went.

Prof. E. Gadd then gave something to Freakworld, and ominously disappeared too, together with Neptune and Javelin.

"Wtf where are they?", Tucayo asked...
Suddenly, Fawful is blocked by some mystical energy! Fawful, overcome with joy, has flown too close to Millennium's Tower!

"Oh my, what have we got here? Oh, we have met before! If it wasn't our detestable throne-stealing Bean! I meant to expand my empire more first, but dealing with you is more amusing! Now, tell me, where is the throne? You have it, yes? If you refuse to tell me, I will feed you to the Lions of Narnia!
Fawful said:
Fawful, in the room at the top floor, grabbed the throne and took it back down. "LN1!" he said "I have it! Let us go to my castle. I am VICTORIOUS!" he shouted. LN1 wanted to investigate more, however so Fawful flew back himself.
Wait the fuck up.

According to Neptune's post above he and Javelin are taking the throne to the barrow downs, so for you and LN1 to have got it from Neptune's tower is impossible.Please remember to completely read all posts and do what rule 7 states.

So next poster please start back from the post below.

Freakworld said:
Freakworld stood at the window, shocked. They have just robbed the throne that he wanted to claim.

While Tucayo talked to Herr Duck, Freakworld came up with a plan. He got out his Gameboy Horror and called Dr. E. Gadd...

Meanwhile, in Tantusar's tower, Fawful was searching for the throne. "I have impatience. WHERE BE MY THRONE???" Just then, he hit a book that was lying on the table next to him. A loud bell was heared ringing, when Fawful got launched out of the building.

Suddenly, the Tower began transforming, getting a helicopter and flying off.

"What for god's sake...", asked Neptune, as he saw the giant tower flying in their direction.
After investigating the DNA mark on the wall, LN1 discovered the species it belonged to. Apparently it was a reptile, with a shell that is spiky. No more details could be found, since LN1 had no database on DNA, though he could scan the species of origin. LN1 started to think that perhaps it was Neptune who crashed open the door, with a concrete thing.
"Tar-get locked. Mi-ssile rea-dy. Plea-se pre-ss OK to laun-ch."

"And the target is you, there, in the distance. If I were to fire a missile at such a distance, where the target is not even visible, I would be sure to miss... This is where magic aids me... This one will never cease flying until it hits you, Fawful!

Milleny launches the magical missile, knowing that if he succeded, it would be the end of Fawful.
And then the magic ran out. How sad. The missile fell, and killed a small
town. =P

Tantusar was at the bottom of the ocean. It wasn't very nice down there. He was almost eaten by a shark on his way down. None of this mattered. Tantusar could breathe underwater. Tantusar, who's first name was then revealed to be Thomas, was, like in the video game, alone.
He wandered around, wondering when it had all gone wrong. Probably when he'd first found the throne, so many years ago. He sighed bubbles. It was time for Plan H. Sure, it was going to be awesome, but he'd hoped it wouldn't come to this. Ah well, anything for the throne, eh?

Meanwhile, the world reeled in horror as it realised the effect of the small town exploding. The world would never have their exquisite cheeses again.
"Hahaha. How funny. I wanted to exterminate that Bean, but I actually managed to destroy a town! All the better for me, as I can make more of my demons out of their dead souls!"

Lord Millennium Starts making the Akuma, while maing sure that the castle was safe by making some powerful Akuma guard it.