Is this place really the "Super Mario Boards" anymore

Last post in main Marioverse board:

Yesterday, do you see my point guys.
I kinda get what NSY is saying but I don't think it is *that* big of an issue. There are still frequent posts in the Mario section, so it isn't like it has been abandoned in favour of the Off Topic Section. People still are and will likely continue to contribute where and when they feel appropriate.

I mean, I initially joined this forum because of the people here and have continued to stay here for the same reason. As much as I like Mario, it was not a huge contributor for me to join and I don't even look at the Wiki unless I want to know about some obscure thing about a certain game. I also haven't really been hyped for a Mario game in a long time, so I don't find myself in a position to really want to talk about the games very much.

However, if you get me a sequel to Super Mario 64 I'll be all over dat Marioverse.
Maybe we should all just write a PM to NSY about something we love about Mario. One random thing every day. That way he will not have to worry about us getting too estranged from Mario stuffs anymore, and everyone is happy.

Don't actually do it because it is against the rules.
Deliberately rallying people together to spam a single user with mass messages against their will is a form of harassment, which means it falls under general rule 8.
Gabumon said:
Deliberately rallying people together to spam a single user with mass messages against their will is a form of harassment, which means it falls under general rule 8.
but it might help me out
Fine, I'll bite, although it's a dead horse by now. NSY, just a note; if I want to stay here for the friends I've made over the years, but would rather talk about other game series or non-game related interests because I've grown bored of Mario, then I kind of damn well can. And that right extends to anyone else with the same mindset. We don't have a quota of Mario discussion to reach to become a valid MarioWiki forum, because the forum is not about Mario it's about the wiki community and allowing them to get to know each other better.
I had a SMB username. I just changed it because everything else is Gage42. I still love Mario, but just because this is a Mario board doesn't mean we can talk about other things.
Pearl said:
the real question is: does anyone other than nsy actually care about this?

the real answer is no

Unknown Entity said:
Pearl said:
the real question is: does anyone other than nsy actually care about this?

More than likely not. Unless it becomes a big problem.

what 'big problem' would ever precipitate as a result of lack of Mario-related discussion? NSY bitching some more?
Actually, unhealthy interest in Mario is one of the four cosmic pillars that hold the universe in place. Right now, we still have the other three pillars to support us, but woe is us should they ever fail, for we shall be cast into darkness forever.
hmm good point but i feel that chaning the name to nintendo boards could cause some legal issues if you know what i mean. and the name mario is just a normal italian name so it is allowed (but im not sure if anyone has the name super mario, like super being their first name) and then again this is GENERAL discussion and mario is generally related to nintendo stuff like in super smash brothers
Crocodile Dippy said:
this thread went from horrible to embarrassing to true art in less than 40 posts

Super Mario Boards: Turns shit threads into mind-blowing masterpieces in forty posts or less, or your money back.