United States Presidential Election, 2012

I don't actually support any party. I think they are all blowing their "facts" out their asses.

I'd rather have the guy in my avatar be president, despite the fact he's from the British isles.
Bane said:
I don't actually support any party. I think they are all blowing their "facts" out their asses.

I'd rather have the guy in my avatar be president, despite the fact he's from the British isles.
but aren't you british

wouldn't it be obvious that you want a british us president
Jack Noir said:
Bane said:
I don't actually support any party. I think they are all blowing their "facts" out their asses.

I'd rather have the guy in my avatar be president, despite the fact he's from the British isles.
but aren't you british

wouldn't it be obvious that you want a british us president

I actually know that British people can't be the president of the united states.

We're not bent on taking over the planet, if that's what you were implying.
Well, the first debate was last night. General consensus seems to be that Romney won it.

I'm honestly a little curious what would happen if Romney did win the election (though the recent 47% controversy and brownface allegations make me doubt he will). I'm pretty sure he would have absolutely no idea what to do with the position of president. He's just so... cartoonish. He strikes me as a Glenn Beck or a Rush Limbaugh, he's someone who can talk and talk and say 'I would do this' and 'Obama's evil because he did that' but wouldn't really know what to do if given the power.

I'm pretty sure that if Romney won the election it would be an absolute disaster for the Republican Party, and they'd end up changing their platform a lot. The homophobia and misogyny and all of that shit is already easily the party's least popular attribute. It's so easily ripped into by opponents and so widely reviled by people everywhere that really all it would take is four years of a president who enacts homophobic and misogynistic policies to utterly destroy the credibility of anyone still holding onto that aspect of the party. Four years of a Romney presidency would force the Republican Party to essentially turn into (or be replaced by) the much more grounded Libertarian Party. Which, honestly, would probably be a really good thing, for America as well as politics in general.

But as I said, Romney is so cartoonish and two-dimensional that I just have a really hard time believing that he could ever become president. I'm hedging my bets on Obama.


I was talking with a friend and we kinda agreed that the only party that has both social and economic aims in the right direction is the libertarian party. Economically conservative. Socially liberal.
Dr. Javelin said:


I was talking with a friend and we kinda agreed that the only party that has both social and economic aims in the right direction is the libertarian party. Economically conservative. Socially liberal.
Do you really want librarians to take over America? They will make it a personal rule that citizens must be quiet.
This election really boils down to one thing for me.
My dad works at Planned Parenthood.
Romney hates Planned Parenthood.
Therefore, if Romney won the election, my family would be homeless.
And that is the reason why I would be voting (if I were old enough to vote) for Obama.
Radagast the Brown said:
I thought Republicans = Democrats

You need some of our conservatives over in America. They'll straighten out the Republicans.
well actually

I believe our Democrats used to be called Republicans back in the 1800s.
Radagast the Brown said:
Dr. Javelin said:


I was talking with a friend and we kinda agreed that the only party that has both social and economic aims in the right direction is the libertarian party. Economically conservative. Socially liberal.
Do you really want librarians to take over America? They will make it a personal rule that citizens must be quiet.


Toad85 said:
This election really boils down to one thing for me.
My dad works at Planned Parenthood.
Romney hates Planned Parenthood.
Therefore, if Romney won the election, my family would be homeless.
And that is the reason why I would be voting (if I were old enough to vote) for Obama.

You win the internet.
Gideon Gordon Graves said:
Radagast the Brown said:
Dr. Javelin said:


I was talking with a friend and we kinda agreed that the only party that has both social and economic aims in the right direction is the libertarian party. Economically conservative. Socially liberal.
Do you really want librarians to take over America? They will make it a personal rule that citizens must be quiet.


Scarecrow got it :3
I saw the debate when it aired two nights ago.

Obama pretty much got his ass handed to him by Romney. The VP debate is next week, right?
Dr. Javelin said:


I was talking with a friend and we kinda agreed that the only party that has both social and economic aims in the right direction is the libertarian party. Economically conservative. Socially liberal.

I don't really agree with all of the libertarian economic platform but I respect it and it makes sense, which is more than I can say for some of the republican party's more hateful social positions.
Okay so my school is doing a mock election with four students being Romney, Ryan, Obama, and Biden.

I'm going to try to get myself added as Gary Johnson.
I didn't know of the existence of the Libertarian Party until today and I have to say I really like their ideals. I wish we had a party like that in Mexico.
tucayo said:
I didn't know of the existence of the Libertarian Party until today and I have to say I really like their ideals. I wish we had a party like that in Mexico.
Yeah, if voters in America actually cared about the ideals and aims of the party they're voting for the Libertarian Party would likely be the most popular one.
Rat said:
Javelin, can I be Vermin Supreme?
You can be Supreme Overlord of Vermin.

Also, my Arts and Humanities teacher said he would give me bonus points if I get 5% or more of the vote. >_>
I think I'll infiltrate myself into America, go for president, become president, announce my being English, and hit everyone from behind with a stick. >:D
Good luck avoiding the background check to verify your natural-born U.S. citizenship.