Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban series (includes Apollo Justice as well)

the more i think about it, the more this case doesn't make sense. first of all, i don't think there was any decisive evidence. it probably would have worked perfectly fine if juniper was found guilty. the whole "body wrapped in a cloth" thing was utter bullshit, the parts didn't come together well enough. and if means was guilty, why did he allow athena to be juniper's lawyer...? he certainly didn't seem to try too hard. and if he wanted to forge evidence, he didn't do a good job of it, like, all he could do was make a tape that was clearly fabricated? and why didn't juniper remember saying "you're a goner!" and testify against it??

also the whole situation with robin was ridiculous. like, her voice doesn't change whether you perceive her as a girl or a boy, so i don't get why they had to make her a girl just to say "yup she could've been a suspect!". like, boys can have feminine voices anyway... and then she starts acting completely different afterwards anyway which is dumb. and why did her parents make her act like a boy again? to be a prosecutor? why can't girls be prosecutors? i'm so confused by the logic behind that twist

everything just didn't feel right
new subbed aa6 trailer

oh my god watson

So, I finished the Dual Destinies main storyline. I still don't get why it's called Dual Destinies.

tfw no feels

also, aura and metis were totally lovers and no one can tell me otherwise
i'll post my full thoughts on the game at some other time, since i have a lot of them. overall, i felt it was way too linear to really be that fun. i'd rate the games 1>3>4>5>2.
Nabber said:
overall, i felt it was way too linear to really be that fun.
that's how I felt when playing it as well. It felt like the game had been brought down to be more accessible.

I did like the last case's final court session but the rest was average.
okay huge thought dump i guess
So this game... it felt like Capcom was just trying to churn out a bunch of cases so that they could create a new Ace Attorney game without really caring about the quality of the game. For the most part, the evidence felt really obvious and deliberate, so that I could tell as soon as they picked something up that THIS IS INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE BLAH BLAH BLAH. And I think the cases were a lot less funny, too. Maybe because the other games were more slapstick-y and over-the-top, whereas this, most of the time, just felt a little silly. The Monstrous Turnabout was pretty funny, but that was it. And why were 4 out of the 5 cases stabbings??

As I said, everything felt too linear. The game basically handheld you during the investigations, not letting you examine anything unless you needed to. If you needed to present something, it'd tell you. Otherwise, it was just tapping the screen to advance the text for a bunch of hours. The trials too felt less interactive - it felt like there were a lot less cross-examinations, maybe 2 or 3 per trial, and when there were, it was always really obvious what the contradiction was.

Also, three protagonists felt like too much. I didn't really feel like Athena was a necessary addition. The Mood Matrix felt like total BS. I know this game has always been silly, so it's not a major complaint, but it just didn't feel very logical. Like, Psyche-Locks just told Phoenix if someone was hiding something, he still had to use evidence to find it out. Apollo's tells made sense. But listening to your heart? Nope. And also, having three gimmicks - the Mood Matrix, the bracelet, and the Psyche Locks - felt like too much, because they kept swapping between them and none of them got used too much, except I guess the Mood Matrix. And they shoehorned in a bunch of cameos, too. I don't want to complain about Klavier, Pearls, and Edgeworth being in the game, but they felt really out of place. ESPECIALLY Pearls, who really just appeared so that Trucy could get kidnapped, I guess? I'm not sure. She barely had any lines, besides saying "haha maya's too busy to come" which felt like a big middle finger from capcom. Also, Juniper Woods was boring.

And uh yeah, I guess the cases didn't really feel too interesting. The last cases of each game have always been intense, but this one felt really lackluster. Partly because it was a portmanteau of end cases from the other games [Hostages - AA2. Prosecutor defending younger person - AA1 (Rise From the Ashes). Retrying case from many years ago AA1 AND AA4 (though it felt more reminiscent of AA4).] Probably some other stuff, too, but I'm not going to look too much into it. And why the fuck did they have to make Fulbright the phantom? Fulbright was one of my favorite new characters, and it feels like he's ruined now that I know he was the villain... Anyway, the final case also felt like it dragged on too long, because it was super obvious that he was the phantom yet they kept making you put up with all of his stupid claims.

also, professor means scares me

uh yeah i guess that's probably it. as i've mentioned before, the third case felt kinda bullshitty. overall, the game felt alright, but it just wasn't all too fun...
I want to rant about the Layton/Phoenix crossover.

To start off, all of the "new" gameplay gimmicks are seriously overhyped. There's this big deal made about there being multiple witnesses on trial at the same time, but this mostly just means that, instead of having one guy say five thing, you have five people saying one thing each. Functionally, there's no difference, but there's so much emphasis put on the "OMG MORE PEOPLE" thing that you'd expect there to be so much more. Later, there's a genuinely new mechanic that involves witnesses thinking of something when other witnesses talk: when you interrogate a witness, the people around them often react to what they said, either because they thought of something new or what the other person said didn't sound right. This had the opportunity to be similar to Apollo's Perceive gimmick, where you have to pay attention to the others for small cues, but that was screwed up royally.

When you're interrogating someone and going through their dialogue, not only is the relevant dialogue unskippable, and not only is there a loud audio cue for each person, but everyone who reacts has a giant thought bubble above their head. There's literally no challenge to it. This is "balanced" by the fact that there are often dummy reactions that don't lead to anything useful, but it turns it into what could have been an interesting challenge to an exercise in tedium. Also, the Grand Grimoire (a book of every magic spell), which is heavily hyped as this fascinating new way of uncovering lies in testimonies, is basically just a second set of evidence, and I feel like having a whole book of magic spells and doing nothing much with it is a crime.

This is only my problems with the trials. After all, this is a crossover between Ace Attorney and Professor Layton, whose main gameplay involves solving puzzles. Basically, this means that the game is divided between exploring for puzzles then a trial. I wouldn't mind this so much except that a lot of the puzzles... aren't really anything special. There are quite a few interesting and challenging (in a fair way) ones that can be found by talking to the right people, but a lot of the main ones feel really easy. I don't have much experience withe Layton series, but there were so many puzzles, especially in the later game, that didn't feel like puzzles are more like just simple paying attention. There was one puzzle where they made this massive deal about it requiring Phoenix's "unique" skills, and it was set up so that he was objecting and presenting facts... but it was the most blitheringly obvious thing in the world, and the amount of presentation they put into it was really weird and disappointing.

About the story... I'll be general. It starts off very strong, with many avenues of intrigue and a bunch of cool surprises. However...
there's a huge twist near the finale that ruins everything. It not only demolishes everything that's happened throughout the entire story, comes straight out of left field, and creates an enormous amount of plot holes, it makes the remainder of the game feel so freaking stupid.

A lot of it is build-up from the fact that Phoenix and co. have to deal with the fact that in the universe they're in, magic is something that's real, and even though they know magic can't be real, they have to act accordingly with the logic of the world. However, when the big reveal that magic isn't real is finally revealed, Layton is like, "No shit, things like that can't happen." This is in the same universe where there are spirit mediums running around all willy-nilly, possessing people and being channeled and stuff, but making yourself invisible? Heavens no, that's impossible!

Bottom line is, I'm not pleased.
Oh, and I think I forgot to say this, but 3D models don't suit the Ace Attorney series. They didn't look too awful, but like Professor Layton, the game has a significant aesthetic value that's lost by upgrading to 3D. For no good reason, too. like, if you're not using 3d for aesthetic and the gameplay doesn't require a 3d engine, why bother making it 3D?
It's probably easier for animations: it can make them a heck of a lot more fluid and it gives the opportunity for a bunch of unique animations that would have looked sloppy as sprites. Besides, I personally liked the models, and I honestly don't see what's been "lost" when upgrading to 3D.
Shulk said:
It's probably easier for animations: it can make them a heck of a lot more fluid and it gives the opportunity for a bunch of unique animations that would have looked sloppy as sprites. Besides, I personally liked the models, and I honestly don't see what's been "lost" when upgrading to 3D.
okay but ace attorney has had four games that did just well without the 3d animations

yes, they wouldn't be able to do a few things, but it wouldn't ruin the game

i just feel the 3d world is just... not aesthetically pleasing. i miss the static backgrounds, they just felt right
Nabber said:
Shulk said:
It's probably easier for animations: it can make them a heck of a lot more fluid and it gives the opportunity for a bunch of unique animations that would have looked sloppy as sprites. Besides, I personally liked the models, and I honestly don't see what's been "lost" when upgrading to 3D.
okay but ace attorney has had four games that did just well without the 3d animations

yes, they wouldn't be able to do a few things, but it wouldn't ruin the game

i just feel the 3d world is just... not aesthetically pleasing. i miss the static backgrounds, they just felt right
So in other words, damn kids get off my lawn with your new-fangled three-dee graphics.
no, i just don't like the aesthetic...

like, there's a reason so many indie games are using pixel graphics. it looks good. different games require different visual styles, and i personally liked the sprites better for ace attorney
Indie games, though there are numerous games that intentionally go for a "retro" style, are using pixel graphics because pixel graphics are a hell of a lot easier to use than basically anything else, let alone 3d models. They're not doing it because they think it looks better, they're using it because making things fit into a grid is convenient. Your personal opinion's one thing, but the world won't blow up if there's a differing opinion.
Shulk said:
Your personal opinion's one thing, but the world won't blow up if there's a differing opinion.
i don't know where you got the impression from me that it's the worst thing ever that they changed the style... i just think that it doesn't look as good

and plenty of indie games use pixel graphics on purpose. major games do too. besides, how am i supposed to post reaction gifs of 3d models
Nabber said:
no, i just don't like the aesthetic...

like, there's a reason so many indie games are using pixel graphics. it looks good.
The more likely reason is that it's cheap.

Also I liked the 3D models in DD but thought the poses are kinda 'eh'. Apollo and Athena were decent, Phoenix was pretty ass. I thought the PLvsPW ones looked better, though.

I would have liked to see less hand-holding in DD but I understand why they did it. Maybe a difficulty setting would have sufficed - I imagine it wouldn't be hard to implement considering they don't have to worry about AI or anything.

Ace Attorney Trilogy 3DS is finally out! North America, Europe/aus get it tomorrow

Launch trailer is nothing really special, but anyone who's interested in Ace Attorney should definitely give this a go, it's apparently much better than the iOS version, plus it's in 3D! Yay? It's 2947 blocks, for anyone who's curious. :wario:
Still no word of an Aus release yet (hopefully it will be launched alongside Europe).
santanoice said:
Still no word of an Aus release yet (hopefully it will be launched alongside Europe).
yeah it's odd how there's been virtually nothing about the Australian release aside from the acb classification

though I checked the eShop today and saw it there with a release date of tomorrow, squee

so now that all of the prices are known, it's $30US/€30/£25/$45AUS for anyone who's interested.
Far out that price is ridiculous.

Guess I'd better get selling my old copies.
santanoice said:
Far out that price is ridiculous.
Make an objection to it. :dk:

£25 sounds like quite the deal, honestly. Probably won't bother getting it (for at least a while) because of higher gaming priorities, though.
Sabrina said:
Launch trailer is nothing really special, but anyone who's interested in Ace Attorney should definitely give this a go, it's apparently much better than the iOS version, plus it's in 3D! Yay? It's 2947 blocks, for anyone who's curious. :wario:
what makes it better than the ios version? aren't they essentially the same, excluding some typos?
Nabber said:
Sabrina said:
Launch trailer is nothing really special, but anyone who's interested in Ace Attorney should definitely give this a go, it's apparently much better than the iOS version, plus it's in 3D! Yay? It's 2947 blocks, for anyone who's curious. :wario:
what makes it better than the ios version? aren't they essentially the same, excluding some typos?
Yeah, they've fixed some typos (I think the major ones like "the miracle never happen" are gone, but there are still some in there, sadly), but really the quality as a whole is much better, the music sounds clearer, and the graphics have been redone for every character and background(? It's more noticeable with the characters tbh).

I haven't played the iOS version but apparently it glitched/lagged a lot? I've had zero problems with any of the games so far.

The 3D is nothing to gawk at, it's literally 3 layers: background , character, text box, and when you turn it on you get these black bars on the sides which are really annoying.

But, it's basically the definitive version for all 3 games. The quality is far superior on the 3DS, though its probably not enough to justify the price tag if you've already got the iOS port and are happy with it.

The only reason I bought the trilogy was because I didn't own the 2nd and 3rd games and wanted them all on my 3DS for convenience :P

edit:plus you can play all three of them in Japanese if you want?