Your headcanons

I think Luigi idolizes Mario for a lot of things (which is shown in the games if I'm not mistaken) while Mario doesn't idolize his own brother as much simply because Mario was fed all the attention and praise (think about promotional material where even in the huuuge universe crossover, he'd still be the biggest and most important) so he's accustomed to receiving praise and idolization, but isn't accustomed for doing the same. He might have a hidden insecurity; if it's really part of my headcanon, it would mesh well with the twin aspect; they both have the same insecurity but Mario disguises it and Luigi shows it better.

That's not to say he's mean; he'd give credit to where it's due and apologize if he made Luigi upset or cry even. But I think people would act the same if they were fed A-tier celebrity attention nearly daily, and you're probably more famous than Earth's most famous celebrity (as Mario has rock formations belonging to him, a space station with his name on it, companies named after him, his face everywhere on billboards, and so on): a little big for their already-big boots sometimes.
Princess Mario said:
I think Luigi idolizes Mario for a lot of things (which is shown in the games if I'm not mistaken) while Mario doesn't idolize his own brother as much simply because Mario was fed all the attention and praise (think about promotional material where even in the huuuge universe crossover, he'd still be the biggest and most important) so he's accustomed to receiving praise and idolization, but isn't accustomed for doing the same. He might have a hidden insecurity; if it's really part of my headcanon, it would mesh well with the twin aspect; they both have the same insecurity but Mario disguises it and Luigi shows it better.

That's not to say he's mean; he'd give credit to where it's due and apologize if he made Luigi upset or cry even. But I think people would act the same if they were fed A-tier celebrity attention nearly daily, and you're probably more famous than Earth's most famous celebrity (as Mario has rock formations belonging to him, a space station with his name on it, companies named after him, his face everywhere on billboards, and so on): a little big for their already-big boots sometimes.
I can kinda see what you mean, but there are times (such as one of Mario's lines in Fortune Street or possibly the ending to Dark Moon) that hint that Mario does look up to his brother. At the same time, Mario comes of as the sort of guy who can be insensitive or a flat-out jerk, if unknowingly.
Still, I can see your logic and making the bros foils of each other is a neat idea.
Yeah, and I believe that way, it can serve to make both brothers more interesting. If they can play off each other like this, then Luigi fans will certainly appreciate Mario around and the Mario fans will also appreciate Luigi, so maybe we can have less "which brother is better" or "Mario sucks because he's an attention hog/Luigi sucks because his fans hate Mario" kind of thing and more "they're both great and they're even better with each other".
Well it would please you to know that for some reason I have been liking Mario a lot more recently, and I have Luigi on the top of the list, so yeah, both great.
Duh. But why so?
Princess Mario said:
Duh. But why so?

I do realize now that his appearance is like this of a grown-up man while still being cute enough to instill confidence in children. I also like how in some games, mainly the rpgs, you can toy around with his personality. It's like you're creating your own Mario. But that is just my point of view of things. Also headcanons about how Mario's personaily is in-depth.
My Koopaling headcanon is that they are the children of Bowser's slain brother from SMB1. He took them in as his children.
The Mario cartoon exists as a show within the Mario universe. Mario and Luigi played themselves in the cartoon segments while Lou Albano and Danny Wells played them in the live-action segments. Bowser was played by a professional Bowser impersonator and was called King Koopa because the real Bowser threatened to sue if his real name was used.
Magikrazy said:
The Mario cartoon exists as a show within the Mario universe. Mario and Luigi played themselves in the cartoon segments while Lou Albano and Danny Wells played them in the live-action segments. Bowser was played by a professional Bowser impersonator and was called King Koopa because the real Bowser threatened to sue if his real name was used.

I have something similar: games with a handcrafty feel, such as Paper Mario and Yoshi's Woolly World, are also fictional in the Mario universe. The Paper Mario games are sold there as a series of pop-up books homaging Mario. Yoshi's Woolly World takes place in the house of a talented crocheter with a ton of imagination and a good perception of the world. We, however, get to experience these in game format.
This is my backstory headcanon

-There were two races that inhabited the Mushroom Kingdom: Toads and Umenos

-Umenos are the race of Mario, Luigi, Peach, Pauline, etc.

-Umenos were smarter than the Toads, thats why most of the time the high class were the Umenos. The Toads happily served them due to the kindness they had, and even without the power, they were treated without any discrimination

-The Dark Lands saw the Umenos as a potential threat, and things went downhill when Kammy, a low rank Kamek, had a vision into the future, where two Umenos defeated what it seemed the Grown-up version of the prince Bowser.

-The King Morton Koopa, decided to do a genocide, that way any Umeno wouldnt interfere in any of the Dark Land's plans.

-Umenos noticed the hunting of the kind, so they ran off the Kingdom, not only because fear, but because they didnt want the Toads involved.

-But because the Toads were dumb, the Umenos put a little baby in the monarchy, that way with the guide of a wise Toad, she could help the Toads make the Mushroom Kingdom profitable

-The Umenos splitted up, as for Mario's parents, they were ambushed, so in the last moment they send their babies with a stork, giving it a map to the ubication where the other Umenos were heading, this was the last time Mario's parents and Morton were alive.
My headcanon is of a stubbornness to refuse to accept Nintendo's revised backstory for the Mario brothers. To me, they'll always be those Brooklyn plumbers who got sucked through a magic drainpipe into the Mushroom kingdom.
Actually, according to this documentary, Mario was originally given by Miyamoto the appearance of a mustachioed Italian guy:
Official Japanese character books as well indicated Italy as Mario's country of origin, at least before the release of Yoshi's Island.
WeirdRaptor said:
My headcanon is of a stubbornness to refuse to accept Nintendo's revised backstory for the Mario brothers. To me, they'll always be those Brooklyn plumbers who got sucked through a magic drainpipe into the Mushroom kingdom.

I have similar feelings towards some of Nintendo's recent changes to the lore. (I.e: "The Koopalings aren't Bowser's biological offspring", "Super Mario Bros. 3 is just a play", "Mario and Paper Mario are two separate Marios now", ect.) But I won't rehash my previous ramblings about those.

The only one that I'm willing to accept is that Mario and Luigi are canonically in their early-to-mid 20s, and that's mainly because we've already had confirmation of that since Super Smash Bros. Melee.
I personally have always thought that, if King Boo actually spoke normal words, he’d have an aristocratic British accent, with the Boos having more thuggish, henchman-like accents. I’ve always personally hoped that if King Boo appears in a Mario film or TV series or similar, then this belief (and hope) of mine would come to fruition, but it’s probably quite unlikely.
Quizmelon said:
I personally have always thought that, if King Boo actually spoke normal words, he’d have an aristocratic British accent, with the Boos having more thuggish, henchman-like accents. I’ve always personally hoped that if King Boo appears in a Mario film or TV series or similar, then this belief (and hope) of mine would come to fruition, but it’s probably quite unlikely.
That's brilliant.
Related - I'm not sure if I stated this before, but I consider the King Boo from the Luigi's Mansion sub-series to be a separate King Boo from the one from the other Mario games. Yes, the Bros just so happened to incur the wrath of two totally different King Boos.
I think the version of King Boo present in SM64DS and the spin-offs is the same one as the King Boo in the Luigi's Mansion series, but the "King Boo" in Super Mario Sunshine is a entirely different King Boo.
I think the version of King Boo present in SM64DS and the spin-offs is the same one as the King Boo in the Luigi's Mansion series, but the "King Boo" in Super Mario Sunshine is a entirely different King Boo.
Yeah. Sunshine King Boo's name is "Boss Boo" in the Japanese version and, if what holds true for the other enemies holds true for the Boos, was most likely an entity created by the Magic Paintbrush.
I believe most Nintendo material treats the Luigi's Mansion and general Mario King Boos interchangeably, but Dark Moon seems to run with the idea that King Boo was trapped in that painting since the end of the first game.
The King Boo from Luigi's Mansion is a renegade and has no affiliation with Bowser.

The King Boo from spinoffs and SM64DS is a different Boo who took over after the Luigi's Mansion King Boo got captured and subsequently went off his rocker. This King Boo is often hired by Bowser, but he mostly does his own thing with the Boos under his dominion (Mario Super Sluggers and Mario Party 8 are good examples of when he doesn't work for Bowser). On that note, not all the Boos that work for Bowser work for King Boo, and obviously not all Boos work for either of them.

All the Boos in Super Mario Sunshine (including King Boo/Boss Boo) were created by Bowser Jr. according to his childish perception of the Boos his father hires.
mine is that they are all the same, it's just whenever he gets a jewel for his crown he decides to go off on his own and gets his LM look.
WeirdRaptor said:
My headcanon is of a stubbornness to refuse to accept Nintendo's revised backstory for the Mario brothers. To me, they'll always be those Brooklyn plumbers who got sucked through a magic drainpipe into the Mushroom kingdom.
I agree very much. The idea that the arcade Donkey Kong took place in the Metro Kingdom and Mario is from the Metro Kingdom makes it so boring. It's way more interesting that Mario and Luigi were in the real world and happened to chance upon the magical Mushroom World. My headcanon is that the arcade Donkey Kong took place in Brooklyn in the real world and Pauline later came to the Mushroom World, founded New Donk City, and themed it after Donkey Kong stuff since she became friends with the Kongs at some point after the arcade Donkey Kong. After all, if the arcade Donkey Kong took place in NDC, then it wouldn't make sense for the city to be themed after it since it would have existed beforehand. Why would they rename the roads for example?
Czario said:
WeirdRaptor said:
My headcanon is of a stubbornness to refuse to accept Nintendo's revised backstory for the Mario brothers. To me, they'll always be those Brooklyn plumbers who got sucked through a magic drainpipe into the Mushroom kingdom.
I agree very much. The idea that the arcade Donkey Kong took place in the Metro Kingdom and Mario is from the Metro Kingdom makes it so boring. It's way more interesting that Mario and Luigi were in the real world and happened to chance upon the magical Mushroom World. My headcanon is that the arcade Donkey Kong took place in Brooklyn in the real world and Pauline later came to the Mushroom World, founded New Donk City, and themed it after Donkey Kong stuff since she became friends with the Kongs at some point after the arcade Donkey Kong. After all, if the arcade Donkey Kong took place in NDC, then it wouldn't make sense for the city to be themed after it since it would have existed beforehand. Why would they rename the roads for example?
Eh, it's probably consistency (I know: consistency in Mario, but hear me out). The real world thing was already shaky thanks to Yoshi's Island establishing the Bros as being born in the Mushroom Kingdom (or close enough). The concept of the city that Arcade Donkey Kong took place in being in the Mushroom World isn't exactly new either as Big Ape City can attest (though there it was on Donkey Kong Island rather than the Metro Kingdom). As for the roads and stuff, Pauline probably did the renaming and such after she became mayor (An ape once kidnapping a woman being the defining trait of your city is kinda sad, though I suppose Pauline being the mayor and a singer in a band makes up for it).
Cranky Kong could have helped in the other DK games like how he did in TF. He just didn't want to.
WeirdRaptor said:
My headcanon is of a stubbornness to refuse to accept Nintendo's revised backstory for the Mario brothers. To me, they'll always be those Brooklyn plumbers who got sucked through a magic drainpipe into the Mushroom kingdom.

I have similar feelings towards some of Nintendo's recent changes to the lore. (I.e: "The Koopalings aren't Bowser's biological offspring")
Note that Nintendo never said that at all. Miyamoto only said that in the current story the Koopalings aren't Bowser's children, the biological part was never stated nor even implied. In Japan, the Koopalings since Super Smash Bros. Brawl and New Super Mario Bros. Wii aren't adopted children at all, they don't have any family relatioship with Bowser that they call Master Bowser (KuppaSama) and they aren't even related with each other (they call the others Nakama, comrades).
I'm surprised how popular this misinterpretation became, I wonder where did that originate from.