Dr. Javelin
Nathan Latsk
-_-SFM said:But there's Surf which is even better than Hydro Pump because 100 accuracy and 95 power> 80 accuracy and 120 powerDr. Javelin said:All I remember is playing LeafGreen as a kid and trying to beat the Elite Four with only a Blastoise and an Articuno. Heck, I didn't even know the type chart.
I traded them (temporarily) to my brother so he could combo them with his Charizard and Zapdos to try and beat the Elite Four. I think he got as far as Lance before losing.
Then I got my Blastoise back and he had lost all friendship with me so his Return move was useless. I was mad about that for a long time. Oh, and he still had Water Gun because some genius at Game Freak decided that would be the only Water move he learns until level sixty-eight.
Good times, good times.
I know that now. Try telling that to my 9-year-old self.