What do think of "What does the fox say"

Re: What do think of "What does the fox says"

I have heard parts, but have never heard the full song. I'm always the last to listen to songs like this.
So, when people first listen to the song, they do one of three things. Most everybody will go through the lyrics thinking it sounds somewhat normal, but when you get to the chorus you either 1. Immediately turn it off 2. Listen through the whole song and never want to again or 3. Listen the whole thing and want to listen to it over and over and over again like me.
I've never actually heard of it.
I just thought it was funny because it sounded like he was making fun of dubstep music... but when people just quote it over and over and over again, it gets pretty annoying, huh?
I'm doing it for my Grade 11 Performing Arts class, actually.
What does the fox say? What the hell is that? That's a song?