Why does everyone not want Mii?

Fighter Zae said:
Smashgoom202 said:
Hypochondriac Mario said:
Smashgoom202 said:
I support Mii as well. Not ENTIRELY sure what the general consensus is for why people don't like the idea, other then that it's "lame"... or maybe it's because they'd rather see ACTUAL characters only, not customizable ones. I can understand that. I always did think that making Miis playable would likely be the only way to get customizable fighters in the game, but then again, that opens up a lot of questions, like how would Sakurai and his team go about customizable characters? Sakurai really wants to differentiate characters this time around, so I doubt he'll take the easy route and give Miis characteristics of other fighters.

Regardless, it's an idea I'd totally be game for, thought I'm not all THAT excited about.
If you're so desperate to have customizable fighters, welcome to the world of modding.
You're looking at a modding-retard here.

boy you're in for a surprise.

Modding is literally one of the best ideas ever known.
I don't doubt it.
ernesth100 said:
Modding a character is more complicated than customizing mii and not everyone has the knowledge of modding.

yeah but thing is for big franchises like smash bros or mario kart there is plenty to work with from just other people, let alone yourself.

Plus modding is endless, customization you would find in mii stuff will always be pathetically limited.

Nintendo has proven this time and time again.
It's simple.

1) They do NOT belong to the Mario universe.
2) Their voices are annoying as hell.
ernesth100 said:
Not to change the subject but I kinda thought theyd make more mii features in the wii u. Suprised it was exactly the same.

See what i mean?

They dont even have decent customization, its just downright awful.

I seriously doubt they even care much about any form of customization.
ernesth100 said:
Yes. BUT! People make unique mii's still that look like mario, wario, sonic, heck even the hulk. Its still pretty customizable.

did you really bring up the hulk?

who is just a big bulky green guy with purple shorts?

uh okay, but its only to extents and still pretty limited.

I've seen way better customization engines like champions online.
ernesth100 said:
I dont know what that is.

online rpg that bases itself off of a table top super hero role playing game.

with the best appearance customization in existence.

You can be anything from batman, to werewolves, to cyborgs, to mechs, to even a generic 60's gangster.

the game has so much appearance customization that people can spend HOURS just messing around with it.

Even its battle customization is huge with the free form archetype which allows you to function with about any power type imaginable.
It's probably going to end up looking nothing even remotely like a pony
ernesth100 said:
Can you be a pony?

The only thing you can really do is try to imagine how you think the Ponies would look as humans. And which human skin or hair color they would be from the options they give (The only one that's slightly possible is Applejack. With the most orange-esque skin and Blond hair). It' s not like you can use Equestria Girls for a reference. As you can't really make Miis a different color other then actual human skin colors. You just have to find the hair that looks closest to the character's manes and just pretend that's them.
ernesth100 said:
Modding a character is more complicated than customizing mii and not everyone has the knowledge of modding.
It pays off in the end, though. You just need to be good at following directions. If you think it's so hard, why don't you just try it yourself? The tutorials are easy to follow. I was a noob back then, too. :/

ernesth100 said:
Can you be a pony?
If you're so desperate, play Spore or something. You heard of Spore, right?

ernesth100 said:
Yes. BUT! People make unique mii's still that look like mario, wario, sonic, heck even the hulk. Its still pretty customizable.

Why use inferior versions when you can use the actual one (Mario, Wario, Sonic)?
Anser said:
It's simple.

1) They do NOT belong to the Mario universe.
2) Their voices are annoying as hell.

-___- I thought we were talking about the Miis in general being in Mario games. I didn't see this was posted in the Super Smash Bros. subforum. My bad.

My second reason still applies, however.
Minis should at least be banned online. You know, Hitler Miis... genital-faces...
Yeah, that would be pretty bad... Hell, makes me think Sakurai wouldn't even consider Miis because of that.

Still, customization aside, I'd like Miis to be playable for the novelty of playing as whoever.
Giga12 said:
Hitler Miis

I don't see anything wrong with Hitler Miis exploding from Smart Bombs in Super Smash Bros.
Baby Luigi said:
Giga12 said:
Hitler Miis

I don't see anything wrong with Hitler Miis exploding from Smart Bombs in Super Smash Bros.
I think the mere MENTION of Hitler is enough to get people offended... Plus there's the off chance that the Hitler Mii could WIN.
Smashgoom202 said:
Baby Luigi said:
Giga12 said:
Hitler Miis

I don't see anything wrong with Hitler Miis exploding from Smart Bombs in Super Smash Bros.
I think the mere MENTION of Hitler is enough to get people offended... Plus there's the off chance that the Hitler Mii could WIN.

persona 2 got away with hitler being the main villain.
Fighter Zae said:
Smashgoom202 said:
Baby Luigi said:
Giga12 said:
Hitler Miis

I don't see anything wrong with Hitler Miis exploding from Smart Bombs in Super Smash Bros.
I think the mere MENTION of Hitler is enough to get people offended... Plus there's the off chance that the Hitler Mii could WIN.

persona 2 got away with hitler being the main villain.
Well, this isn't Persona now is it? It's Nintendo, the Disney of video games, and since this isn't the 1940's when WWII propaganda was everywhere, allowing Hitler feels like a big no-no for family-oriented companies.
Smashgoom202 said:
Fighter Zae said:
Smashgoom202 said:
Baby Luigi said:
Giga12 said:
Hitler Miis

I don't see anything wrong with Hitler Miis exploding from Smart Bombs in Super Smash Bros.
I think the mere MENTION of Hitler is enough to get people offended... Plus there's the off chance that the Hitler Mii could WIN.

persona 2 got away with hitler being the main villain.
Well, this isn't Persona now is it? It's Nintendo, the Disney of video games, and since this isn't the 1940's when WWII propaganda was everywhere, allowing Hitler feels like a big no-no for family-oriented companies.

they can still get away with it lol, plus nintendo themselves didnt create that kind of mii to begin with.

That should be blamed on someone else, not nintendo.

And really, if they didnt want that to begin with, mii's should have never even been created.

Despite how pathetic and limited mii customization is, that stuff is still gonna happen no matter what.