Hyrule Warriors

Fi is just...ugh. I was hoping they would just pretend she doesn't exist. I wonder how "great" her dialogues are going to be in this game.
Magolor said:
Fi is just...ugh. I was hoping they would just pretend she doesn't exist. I wonder how "great" her dialogues are going to be in this game.

Shush your mouth. Fi was amazing! :)P) Loved her so much in SS. I am really glad that she's in it, but I'm really hoping to see some Male characters in this game. I mean, we already have Zelda, Impa, Midna, Agitha, Lana, and now Fi. That's 6 females, and only one male - Link. Link is a pimp
This game looks interesting. I've really wanted something new from Zelda.

Cirdec said:
Not BMB said:
Super Luigi World said:
Not BMB said:
Toothless said:
I want to play as that guide from Minish Cap that I always forget the name of.

You are not the true chosen one.

It's just a minor typo. It's not like it's a big deal.

Still disappointing from the biggest Zelda fan here.

I've seen a little from Minish Cap and his english name is Ezlo, but I've heard that his name is Elzo in another country, I think it was Netherlands.
Not BMB said:
GalacticPetey said:
Yes! I fucking knew it!

My roster is coming true.

Well, tbh, you did select 22 characters that are all basically just notable characters throughout the series and stuff, and Fi wasn't even unexpected. :P
Really? I never saw anyone else consider Fi.
GalacticPetey said:
Not BMB said:
GalacticPetey said:
Yes! I fucking knew it!

My roster is coming true.

Well, tbh, you did select 22 characters that are all basically just notable characters throughout the series and stuff, and Fi wasn't even unexpected. :P
Really? I never saw anyone else consider Fi.

Well, on this site, no.

But the internet is not just this site. :P

(I'm not trying to bring you down or anything, in case you got that sense. I want a lot of those characters on your list to come true too)
According to Famitsu, Ghirahim and The Imprisoned will appear as enemies.

So like Zant, Ghirahim's chances of being playable have dropped.
GalacticPetey said:
According to Famitsu, Ghirahim and The Imprisoned will appear as enemies.

So like Zant, Ghirahim's chances of being playable have dropped.
Zant and Ghirahim will probably be playable in a villains' campaign. Also, I'm sure most you know it already, but:
The presence of The Imprisoned hints at Demise as a playable character, too.
Not BMB said:
New Super Mario said:
GalacticPetey said:
He's confirmed to be an enemy. Whether or not he ends up playable remains to be seen.
I hope so.

NSM, I wonder how you would react if Ghirahim wasn't a playable character, even though Fi is?
I won't feel any different because of Fi, I'll just be sad that he wasn't included.

I mean, they could always have you unlock the villain characters after beating Story Mode or something.
New Super Mario said:
Not BMB said:
New Super Mario said:
GalacticPetey said:
He's confirmed to be an enemy. Whether or not he ends up playable remains to be seen.
I hope so.

NSM, I wonder how you would react if Ghirahim wasn't a playable character, even though Fi is?
I won't feel any different because of Fi, I'll just be sad that he wasn't included.

I mean, they could always have you unlock the villain characters after beating Story Mode or something.
That's what I'm guessing will happen.