What are you doing right now?

Re: What are you doing right now? [EXCLUDES POSTING HERE OR THINGS LIKE THAT]

No probs man.
Re: What are you doing right now? [EXCLUDES POSTING HERE OR THINGS LIKE THAT]

Doing homework. This time it's "US Government"
Re: What are you doing right now? [EXCLUDES POSTING HERE OR THINGS LIKE THAT]

Trying to recover some Fantasy Life data I lost due to my 3DS dying.

These chargers love to deteriorate.
Taking a Journey that Only the Young can see. I've noticed that you need to have Open Arms to have your mind Faithfully towards your goals. Just Don't Stop Believin' and then Who's Crying Now? Certainly not you because you are with the Lights Anyway you Want it to live your life how you want it. Be Good To Yourself even though you may part Separate Ways with the things you care about. Use your time wisely so the Wheel in the Sky doesn't shut down on you.
Preparing my first real game review for YouTube.

Gah, I have such an epic intro and outro but my voice ruins it by being completely shit. I think I sound better with no script, but I need a script or else my mind goes blank as soon as I hit the record button. Ugh.