Fun Facts About Yourself

1) I love Despicable Me minions a little too much. Anyone in my class and the teachers will know this...
2) I'm allergic to some sort of medicine.
3) Everyone is jealous of me because I always get scotch eggs. I keep telling them, "Just ask for them!"
4) Chocolate rain! No, really!
I don't like posting, because of my swinging mood. At one moment I can be super optimistic, and then a second later I can be very pessimistic. I can be almost emotionless and quickly overemotional. It's really annoying, and I don't know, what to do about it. I will just always regret posting or commenting about something, and say that I was stupid for doing it.
Misty said:
Fun fact: I am heterosexual

Wow what a surprise I wonder how no one knew about that alrea--

Misty said:
Xanthium said:
Misty said:
Jim McGinn said:
Sometimes people are attracted to other people of the same gender.
that's gross
...and that was homophobic. What if some gay/bisexual people like me?
it's against my religion

Fun fact: I'm a gay.
Fun fact: 鼻水, which is nasal mucus or snot, literally means "nose water," and relating this to myself, I had a runny nose a few days ago.
I'm the reincarnation of both Abraham Lincoln and King Edward the VIII