Fun Facts About Yourself

Me and my boyfriend have been together a year today <3 <3
I can't go out in public without wearing at least one piece of pop-culture merchandise. I might buy a Cappy hat for this one reason.
*I am a big Disney and Lego fan
*I have sensitive skin, so I am allergic to some soaps, most metals, face paint, most make up and my school's trampolines
*Ich spreche ein kleine bisschen Deutsch, aber ich bin nicht sehr gut
*I have a cat, two rabbits, four degus, three shrimp and various fish (Including neon tetras, panda corydoras, flamenco guppies, sucking loaches, regular guppies and a kuli loach)
*I am a sighted recurve archer
*I collect snow globes, Lego minifigures, Disney Princess figures, coins and glow in the dark stuff
Today I went to the pool. I realised my voice underwater sounds exactly like Infinite from Sonic Forces.
Here's some facts about me.

1. I founded the Sharknado clan in 2015 and it is still going on across multiple forums and Wikipedia
2. I edit Wikipedia but not a whole lot on other wikis
3. I am a fan of Flora and Felicia the two Ice Tribe sisters in Fire Emblem Fates
4. I have been a Nintendo fan since I was 6
5. I like listening to John Denver's music
6. I was originally from Miiverse
I don't remember the exact age I was at the time but when I was younger I had to have my tonsils removed and according to the doctor, they were abnormally large. They were preserved in a container and sent off to a university to be studied by medical students, possibly to this very day.
I'm going to throw in some bonus facts about me.
I ate spicy foods since I was 3, also at age 3 I got my tonsils removed. I had bloodwork done a week ago and they say I am diabetic that isn't surprising since I have a family history of diabetes. :posh:
★ my bones are so heavy that sometimes my doctors have asked how i can possibly be the weight i am. they're so heavy that they have no choice but to class me as morbidly obese.
★ i also have weird bones in my legs — my kneecaps are fixed about 45° inward. it makes walking painful sometimes.
Same. When I'm home, I'm usually too lazy to turn on my consoles and even my handhelds, unfortunately.

I'm just sitting around in front of the computer, watching YouTube videos, surfing DeviantArt and TV Tropes, playing Roblox when an event is on, blindly playing Splatfests for a Queen title whilst doing something else in the background, and talking to my friends whenever they're online. And when I'm productive, I usually make stuff in Roblox Studio and Blender.

I have waaaaaay too much spare time
The earliest online community that I have ever been a part of was this gaming trading website called SwapTree back in 2006, it was a game/DVD/CD/Book trading website that sadly got rebranded into a apparel store a few short years ago.