The hate-o-meter

10 :yoshi:

Pink Gold Peach
3/10 Mild annoyance.

Bad video games.
8/10 yeesh.

Bad video games like Air Control from Steam.
A Yoshi Fan said:
You saw Air Control from Steam?


I feel more pity than rage, to be honest.

Forgetting to put on deodorant and it shows... er... smells.
5/10 They're cute.

Cleaning the bathroom.
8/10 But it feels so good.

8/10 Although I've never actually seen one (God bless the NW).

I saw them several times, and they make me squirm like no other bug does.

1/10 They're not as bad as movies portray them..

Cardinal spiders (Tegenaria parietina) (look it up)
3/10 They're much more fun than CP classes, but they do require more work.

High school.
8/10 - This is coming from someone who WANTS to learn.

5/10 Depends what food.
People who threaten to tear out your limbs just because you have an opinion.