Justin Bieber arrested

he'll deny it, but i'm certain that he's secretly among us.

he could be you! he could be me! he could even b-
Purple Yoshi said:
Here's my opinion on this:

No one cares. And no one SHOULD care. Just ignore it, because he clearly wants attention. Like Miley Cyrus.
At least Miley didn't put people in danger when she lost her marbles :/
Thrawn said:
he'll deny it, but i'm certain that he's secretly among us.

he could be you! he could be me! he could even b-

I just wanted some of your glorious freedom ;-;

I'll trade you my tea for it!
this is completely out of character

are you ill
Neptune, you goofed big time
they may have freedom in their slogan, but Canada has more of it ;)
(and New Zealand apparently has the most [or it did in a 2011 survey])
War Doctor said:

The index rates countries on a scale from 10 (most free) to 0 (least free). In 2012 the most free countries were New Zealand (8.73), the Netherlands (8.47), and Hong Kong (8.39).
The Freedom Index does not measure democracy, but it does measure freedom of speech and media, press killings, political imprisonment etc. According to the report, democracy may be the form of government that best protects freedom, but democracy may both increase and reduce freedom.
I wouldnt mind going to canada though, all dat snow.

Although it'd take me awhile to get used to another country due to living in just one for so long.
In all truths, aside from my home country, the one place I would love to live the most is New Zealand. Perhaps it's because it's where they filmed the lotr series, or maybe it's because it's basically a hotter version of Britain, but that would be where I would love to live the most.

Ireland comes a close second, since it's close and lots of fun and stuff

Then Canada, free healthcare, snow and maple syrup for days, sign me up

Then America, would love to be close to the action and movies and stuff

And then Italy, though preferably in the north, since it's cooler up there, and I'll be less likely to get sun-burned there.

Australia gets an honourable mention, but kind of bumped off the top five cause of the spiders...
War Doctor said:
In all truths, aside from my home country, the one place I would love to live the most is New Zealand. Perhaps it's because it's where they filmed the lotr series, or maybe it's because it's basically a hotter version of Britain, but that would be where I would love to live the most.
why would he want to be in a situation where he can't even see them coming, though
Never encountered one of those types of spiders. You just need to make sure you're in a place where you can see the soil.
Australia has more venomous stuff than just spiders, you know.
This thread deserves to be derailed, lol.
Just make sure the context is included. :P
Spiders can make better music than Bieber
I'd rather have a cellar spider crawl on my hand rather than listen to Boober's music.
Hypochondriac Mario said:
I'd rather have a cellar spider crawl on my hand rather than listen to Boober's music.

Haha, can I sig that?
All of these posts are public anyway, so...