The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Bill Trinen is the hero hyrule needs but not the one it deserves
jesus christ this looks amazing

also i can't believe my dream about zelda voice acting actually came true lmao

zelda's voice is kinda awful though, i'll probably play with japanese voices

either way though, this game looks masterful
Nabber said:
I forgot this is also still for the Wii U.
So is there any reason not to get that version...?
I'd get the Switch version if you're already getting the Switch. If not, then go with the Wii U version. As for me, I'm already planning on getting the Switch, so I'll probs get the Switch version.
i don't want to play on the go and i probably won't be getting the switch until the holidays, so...

good marketing nintendo
It'll be quite a while before I start thinking about purchasing the Nintendo Switch, so the Wii U version will pretty much have to do. However, the gameplay videos are not making me feel too good about the various foes that you'll encounter. If even a standard enemy can take away as many as 7 whole hearts, then you're in big trouble against the bigger monsters, especially those Guardians and their 1-hit kill lasers.
im worried about frame rate drops so i think i might just hold out on this until i get a nintendo switch in a year
MnSG said:
It'll be quite a while before I start thinking about purchasing the Nintendo Switch, so the Wii U version will pretty much have to do. However, the gameplay videos are not making me feel too good about the various foes that you'll encounter. If even a standard enemy can take away as many as 7 whole hearts, then you're in big trouble against the bigger monsters, especially those Guardians and their 1-hit kill lasers.
Now you're reminding me of Dark Souls and the possibility of putting a Legend of Zelda twist into that...
Woke up this morning and there is an expansion pack available on March 3 (launch day) and 2 DLCs available in summer and holiday season. Source is Nintendo. Here is the details:

Expansion Pack Bonus
*3 New Treasure Chests
-Found in the Great Plateau
-Contains useful items
-Includes exclusive in-game clothing
DLC Pack 1
*Adds new Cave of Trials challenge
*New Hard Mode
*Additional Map Features
DLC Pack 2
*New Original Story
*New Dungeon
*Additional challenges
What the fuck????

They delay this game for two years, then before it's even released decide to put out fucking DLC? And you have to pay for a fucking hard mode? What kind of bullshit is this? That's deliberately taking content and locking it from the gaming because they want more money.

Oh, and since you didn't mention, you can't but an individual DLC pack. You have to get both. Which costs $20.

Hype indeed.
Nabber said:
What the *bleep*????

They delay this game for two years, then before it's even released decide to put out *bleep*ing DLC? And you have to pay for a *bleep*ing hard mode? What kind of bull*bleep* is this? That's deliberately taking content and locking it from the gaming because they want more money.

Oh, and since you didn't mention, you can't but an individual DLC pack. You have to get both. Which costs $20.

Hype indeed.

The game is ginormous and this is stuff they probably kept making after it was finished and put on disks.

If this were a smaller scale game I'd complain but for something this huge it's not all that unreasonable.
Nabber said:
What the fuck????

They delay this game for two years, then before it's even released decide to put out fucking DLC? And you have to pay for a fucking hard mode? What kind of bullshit is this? That's deliberately taking content and locking it from the gaming because they want more money.

Oh, and since you didn't mention, you can't but an individual DLC pack. You have to get both. Which costs $20.

Hype indeed.

welcome to AAA games nabber
Nabber said:
What the fuck????

They delay this game for two years, then before it's even released decide to put out fucking DLC? And you have to pay for a fucking hard mode? What kind of bullshit is this? That's deliberately taking content and locking it from the gaming because they want more money.

Oh, and since you didn't mention, you can't but an individual DLC pack. You have to get both. Which costs $20.

Hype indeed.
Nabber it's a whole new generation man it's like you don't even understand good business decisions.
The hard mode seems fishy to be certain but it depends on just what kind changes it will make. If it's just "hey you take more damage now" then that's bullshit. If it actually is more than that and brings dramatic changes to how the game is played then I'll be more accepting towards it.