What makes you cry?

Will Solace

The truth can be significantly annoying
The Shadow Prince
Well? This is what makes ME cry.Just... watch the middle. MAJOR SPOILERS FOR MOTHER 3
It's really hard to make me cry. In media, there is almost nothing that will make me cry.

However, the songs Proof of Life and Soundless Voice still make me cry like a baby, even when I'm just listening and not watching the videos.
It's near impossible to make me cry... unless you used a lot of onions, though even then that wouldn't count anyway and that's a big maybe. Sad scenes or things like that in media don't really get me emotional, and I'm generally calm-headed as well so that may have an effect on my ability to cry.
I cry at almost any depressing nature documentary (End of the Line, Turtle incredible journey, the real jaws, etc), or horror movies after I'm done screaming and lungs hurt, or anything really sad
or when I'm sad, or in pain

and the songs Rin linked to above also make me cry
What doesn't make me cry? I'm an unhealthily over emotional person. I cry when I'm happy or most likely sad. I cry over the smallest sad things in anime and video games and books. So yeah....
my fucking dumb parents and a couple of movies/games
getting made fun of nearly gets me but i can usually hold it in

emotional scenes in things(see almost any ending to any season of Supernatural) get me though
-Depressing movies, books, or plays
-Saying goodbye to friends
-Anything sad involving dogs
-Extremely stressful moments
A LOT of things...

Mostly when I get upset by others. I always get really upset with myself when people get angry. It's weird; I cry because I know it's my fault rather than being mad at them. It sucks being a perfectionist because every mistake that people point out makes it hard to deal with because it only affirms your suspicions that you previously had. It also makes getting a complement harder because you know that there is always something that you could do better with. It sucks.
When I lost one of my cockatiels and when my chemistry teacher died.

That felt so horrible. I did lose some sleep over those things.
Dracomon said:
What doesn't make me cry? I'm an unhealthily over emotional person. I cry when I'm happy or most likely sad. I cry over the smallest sad things in anime and video games and books. So yeah....
DON'T play Mother 3.
I used to cry very often, but now it seems as if the tears have dried out… But that doesn’t mean that I am not sad or feel regretful.
Saying goodbye, extreme dissapointment, people I love dying, sad films, the third and fith layton games, the first and third phoenix wright games and the last episode of free!.
I wailed for pr'y five hours when I heard my bunny had to be put to sleep
I also started crying when I heard my other bunny was put down
I cried really hard when I broke my toe back in March
Shadow said:
Dracomon said:
What doesn't make me cry? I'm an unhealthily over emotional person. I cry when I'm happy or most likely sad. I cry over the smallest sad things in anime and video games and books. So yeah....
DON'T play Mother 3.

Naw man he needs to, mother 3 is great.

Nintendos one attempt to make a great storyline imo.