Confirmed Newcomers for SSB4


The artwork is very nice, and it matches up with the one in the leak.
I'm late to this, I know, sorry.

What I find interesting was that Shulkwas revealed in a Japan-exclusive Nintendo Direct that also showed of the "New Nintendo 3DS" and "New Nintendo 3DS LL", in addition to an exclusive version of Xenoblade Chronicles for those systems (alongside other 3DS stuff, such as a look at Bravely Second, the sequel to Bravely Default). This kind of intrigued me, since character trailers are usually broadcast internationally so the whole world would see it. I was on vacation at the time of the direct, though I was probably going to skip it anyway, since I figured nothing much would come out of something that was exclusive to Japan... When this happened, I was kind of confused, until someone pointed out to me that Shulk was the most-requested character in Japan, and that Xenoblade Chronicles is far more popular there then in the West. Considering that Nintendo wasn't going to even going to be released outside of Japan... yeah, they might have a point.

That being said, I'm glad he was included all the same. He was on my top 10 list (albeit pretty low for reasons I'll explain momentarily) pretty much because I thought it'd be a nice little nod to Operation Rainfall and all the people who wanted Xenoblade Chronicles who DIDN'T live in Japan. And his trailer looks awesome, he looks like a very interesting character to play as with his Monado Arts, despite many people claiming that he's just another swordsman (idiots...). I also really like the fact that he has a British accent; it makes sense, seeing as Xenoblade Chronicles was released in Europe before America, and they probably didn't bother to get new voice actors to "localize" the game. I think it helps add to his uniqueness, plus the guy who voices his is really funny on Twitter:

It definitely made me want to play Xenoblade Chronicles! Thing is, I reserved and got the game when it was released, to support the game and whatnot, and I only barely got past the prologue before being overwhelmed with all the little details of what I can do and what I had to do... It all seemed very complex to me, and I haven't played it since. But a close friend of mine is REALLY into Xenoblade Chronicles, and will likely help me get back into the game. Hell, once I finish playing Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, I'll likely start playing Xenoblade again. The desire's there, and hopefully I'll get farther in it before Super Smash Bros. for 3DS is released in the US.

...Oh, and I think this confirms the leak. Shulk's pose for his artwork? EXACTLY like that shown in the leak, as if that still needs to be said by now.