General Discussion

Mario Party Σ said:
Something like Wiggler has never been seen directly involved with Bowser unlike Koopas and Goombas.

I was wondering: Would it be worthwhile to make a page for Iwata Asks? Like, a brief description of what it is, a list of all the Mario-relevant ones with the people interviewed... etc. Could be interesting.
Sure. It'd be handy to have a list of all the Mario-related Iwata Asks (with links of course), seeing as they're so full of info. As long as we only talk about the Mario ones, it's not really coverage creep.
hey, today i was listening to the wario land 4 soundtrack and i was like "wow, what are they actually saying in any of these songs". so i googled it and found this, which has the lyrics to the ending theme

昨日 見た夢を溶かして、マクラに染み込ませて

theres an official translation but i can't find it so heres this instead said:
The dream I had yesterday dissolves, and it soaks into my pillow,
I make peace with the "time" I've left behind too,
And the story written in the sand plays with the wind.

thats the only one i could find though, aside from medamayaki. there's a lot of songs with lyrics in that game

anyway, i couldnt figure out if this is something the wiki would want or where it would want it
Neat, it's definitely something worth putting on the wiki; same with any other sets of lyrics we can find/figure out, English or Japanese. Speaking generally, named songs can get their own pages, any level/world songs can have their lyrics put on the corresponding level/world article, and in this case, the credits lyrics could go on List of Wario Land 4 media or maybe even on the WL4 page itself, instead of just a random assortment of sample songs it has currently to fill the empty section. The English version is similar (but this is just doing it by ear, so take it with a grain of salt):

Oh the dream that I had last night melted into my pillow
I make peace with the time I had forgot
All I've gathered turns into sand

I don't know why, but it reminds me of 80s Elton John...

Also, TCRF/YouTube has an unused song that also has (English) lyrics, which start out pretty similar to the credits, but then it starts talking about collecting moonstones with penguins and pouring avocado sauce on clouds.
...wait, that's not actually in the game? i wonder if that was dummied out by mistake... according to this page, the credits music changes based on how many treasures you recover:

the ending changes based on difficulty and number of treasures:
・0-1 treasures princess is a baby
ending songs "mystic lake" "the big board game"
・2-5 treasures princess resembles wario
ending songs "crescent moon village" "doodle woods"
・6-11 treasures princess is a beautiful girl
ending songs same as 2-5 treasures
・all 12 treasures princess is a beautiful woman
ending songs "toy block tower" "monsoon jungle"

my soundtrack has "ending mixes" of the songs from mystic lake, hall of heiroglyphics, crescent moon village, and toy block tower, which strikes me as pretty conspicuous. i'm going to have to play the game later and check this
No, afaik the credits music is in the game - it's the random-ass penguin Hall of Hieroglyph track that was removed. I knew the princess changed but not the ending songs... Very interesting...

I'm digging through old magazines to see if there are any official names lying about, leading to this page for DK on the GB. It'd be nice if anyone knew what the enemies on the right were called on the wiki, but my biggest question is with that squirrel on the left, since there's seemingly zero information about any squirrels anywhere, which includes the wiki. I haven't played the game myself, so I can't really verify much, but if possible, could someone tell me which level this squirrel appears in (if it appears at all)?
I've played this game and I don't remember him being in it
plus that boss fight looks out of place from the more puzzely aspects of donkey kong 94
Bringing this up again but I really think we should separate 3D renders from models ripped from the game from the {{game-sprite}} licensing, or at least create its own licensing template. I've uploaded some renders yesterday and something just feels off when I designate this as a sprite when it's really not (lol Wikipedia reference but it does sum things up well.)

We CAN lump sprites and models into one section in a gallery, that's completely fine considering that they're very similar in functionality. However, licensing-wise, they're distinct entities that I think 3D renders need their own licensing (also distinct from 3D artwork, which is technically just a 3D model rendered like the video game ones, the difference is that 3D models in-game are optimized to run in video games while 3D models used for artwork are far more complex and higher's a bit like making the distinction between sprites and 2D artwork). Considering our number of in-game 3D renders uploaded to the wiki is on the rise, so should the need of a 3D model licensing template.
I brought it up in this this proposal. Even though I disagreed with the opposing side, I feel that no one actually read my points.
I would agree to a sprite and model modification of the template if it's too tough but I don't really care if it's "pedantic" or not, the truth of the matter is that sprites are NOT 3D models, they're very drastic and distinct entities. The difference is night and day.

There's a point where you need some pedantry to make a distinguishable entity that many would agree that they're different. I'd argue with YoshiKong if I could today on this matter considering that I have far more knowledge on 3D models than I had in the past and therefore more points to draw from when it comes to making a distinction.

Another reason I'd advocate for a license changing is, as you stated, is that it places all of the 3D meshes into one category that makes it easy to sort through them. The current way we do it, we put both 2D spritework in the same lime-light as 3d models.

Though I could suppose the same argument can be made for 2D and 3D artwork but the difference between the two categories is that you can lump them under a single term ("artwork" in this case) and still be fine with it. In this particular case, however, I can't elaborate any further than saying that 3d models are NOT sprites, it's a hard, distinguished fact.

I will bring this up even when it's "settled" in the past because, as I said, calling 3D models "sprites" is simply wrong. You really can't use pedantry to excuse the reason we call it that, it's like being ok with sound effects being called "music".
Those huge Paragoombas didn't have an official name (strangely enough), but from what I've seen, Puzzle & Marios has a giant variant of a Paragoomba, and according to the article, they're called "Big Paragoomba". This contrasts with the current name we're using (Giant Land Paragoomba), which was, not surprisingly, from The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3.

Should we move according to the name by Puzzle & Marios? I might sound obvious enough, but I want to make sure there are no strings attached.
that's like the most straightforward move case ever.
That's a go, then.
As for this whole subspecies hoopla, I'm becoming to understand and be a bit horrified by the wiki's horrible, horrible, "definition" of subspecies that is going to mislead and confuse our readers and editors alike.

Now, here's a personal account.

My own definition of "subspecies" was hazy itself, but when I tried researching it, it was much clearer to me. Subspecies are actually organisms distinct enough to be given a third name in latin, but they aren't distinct enough to be their own species. In other words, subspecies can breed with its related umbrella species and produce fertile offspring.

The examples of subspecies that helped me understand a lot better are the bird subspecies. There is a species called "western scrub jay", but it has two subspecies called "California" western scrub jay and the "woodhouse" western scrub jay. They can breed with each other, but they contain small regional differences, such as slight plumage variation.

The best example would have to be the dark-eyed juncos. Their subspecies look so different (slate junco, oregon junco, white-winged junco, pink-sided junco, and gray-headed junco) that they used to be classified as different species! But there has been observed extensive interbreeding with each other, with fertile offspring, so they are now a species divided by subspecies.

I wasn't even aware that MarioWiki has just muddled my understanding of what a subspecies actually is, and only when I ventured back into taxonomy reality is that I understand more clearly. Despite MarioWiki's definition being out of touch with reality, it has indeed affected our readers and editors alike, so I hope we can eventually put a stop to this naming.

Once that has happened, let's update our frequently misused terms page along with all other words, which their incorrect usage has gained unfortunate popularity.
Seeing as some people got all whiny last time this issue was brought up, iirc (too sleepy atm to dig up links to verify, tho), and considering how it's gonna be a sweeping change (hundreds of pages use the bloody word and/or category, plus the infoboxes need to be tweaked and yes, the misused terms list will have to include it fo' sho'), a proposal might be the best option, to make sure people know and are on board, and to give us something solid to counter any future backslide problems. I was thinking making one tomorrow, after I get home from work (fieldwork, actually - on birds).
The sub-species jargon has mislead me too as well as my twin, I'm waiting for this proposal to do away with this whole fiasco once and for all.
Supported it.

I hope there are no major flaws other than "waaaah so much work to do".
It's not like we have to fix every page immediately: like the SSB4 links/category splitting stuff, it's the sorta project that can be picked up and worked on by anyone who's interested over a long period of time.
Yeah, but it's going to be some work.

Oh, is there a way to easily incorporate Japanese characters (thinking about hiragana and katakana; kanji is... uh...) into the "Special characters" editing field to make them easier to type? It's annoying having to transcribe Super Mario-Kun quotes by copy-pasting from MarioWiki:Japanese (that's how I do it anyway).

If that's something Porplemontage handles, then I'll ask him.