The Traveler, The Genius, The Scholar
Disney Strife is currently in progress by me. The game is called Disney Strife but it also includes Pixar, and Dreamworks characters as well as a couple of Warner Bros assist trophies(boy couldn't you geuss who they are) but only FEW compared to the amount of Disney characters.
Current Roster
Current Roster Rotator→
-Main Characters
1.Micky Mouse
2. Donald Duck
3. Beast(Beauty and the Beast)
5. Mr. Incredible
6. Sully(Monster Inc)
7. Tinker Bell
8. Wreck it Ralph
9. Elsa
10.Fa Mulan
13. Tarzan
14. Aladdin
15. Rapunzel
16. Tigger and Winnie
18. Simba
19. Hiccup
20. Dumbo
1. Bugs Bunny
2. Daffy Duck
3. Jack Jack Parr(Baby From The Incredibles)
4. Agent Perry the Platypus
Items Rotator Gif-
1. Anvil-
2. Bowling Ball-
3. Dagger-
4. Omnidroid(Incredibles)-
5. Sword-
6. Snowball-
Maps Rotator Gif-
1. Disney World(Default)
2. Mickey Mouse Club House(Unlockable)
3. Bugs Bunny's Forest(Default)
4. Elsa's Ice Castle(Default)
5. Metro Ville(Default)
6. Nomanisan Island(Unlockable)
7. Atlantica(Default)
8. Isle of Berk(Unlockable)
Dragon Book-
Update 3/7/14
-Working on Maps/Items/Assists.
-Now taking Requests
-Helpers are now excepted
-Game Type: Computer
Control Type: Keyboard/Mouse
-Dragon Book in Progress
-Yoshi 2.0
Current Roster
Current Roster Rotator→

-Main Characters
1.Micky Mouse
Mickey Mouse full move set.
Character Move sets:
Mickey Mouse:
Character Weight: Medium Weight
Melee: Miscellaneous punches and kicks
Side Melee: Whacks forward with paint brush (Epic Mickey)
Crouch Melee: Kicks forward with enlarged foot
Up Melee: Jabs upward with a key (kingdom hearts)
Sprinting Melee: Runs forward and slide kicks
Air Melee: Spins around with key in hand (kingdom hearts)
Down Air Melee: Kicks down (bringing him down faster than usual)
Side Air Melee: Uses spinning key (dealing rapid damage)
Up Air Melee: Kicks up
Side Smash: Charges up and strikes twice with a key (kingdom hearts)
Down Smash: Uses spin attack (epic mickey)
Up Smash: Strikes upward with paint brush (leaving thinner where it was for a short period of time)
Regular Special: Sprays thinner forward a short distance
Side Special: Sucks up opponent with vacuum cleaner (The Great Circus Starring Mickey & Minnie)
Down Special: Ducks behind shield (Disneys Magical Quest 3: Starring Mickey & Donald)
Up Special: Fires Grappling Gun up opponent with vacuum cleaner (The Great Circus Starring Mickey & Minnie)
Down Special: Ducks behind shield (Disneys Magical Quest 3: Starring Mickey & Donald)
Up Special: Fires Grappling Gun upwards (Disneys Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse)
Final Strife: Dual-Wields Dark Key Blade and Paint Brush, the Dark Key blade dealing heavy damage and the Paint brush attacks are slightly far ranged. (kingdom hearts and Epic Mickey)
Mickey Mouse full move set.
Character Move sets:
Mickey Mouse:
Character Weight: Medium Weight
Melee: Miscellaneous punches and kicks
Side Melee: Whacks forward with paint brush (Epic Mickey)
Crouch Melee: Kicks forward with enlarged foot
Up Melee: Jabs upward with a key (kingdom hearts)
Sprinting Melee: Runs forward and slide kicks
Air Melee: Spins around with key in hand (kingdom hearts)
Down Air Melee: Kicks down (bringing him down faster than usual)
Side Air Melee: Uses spinning key (dealing rapid damage)
Up Air Melee: Kicks up
Side Smash: Charges up and strikes twice with a key (kingdom hearts)
Down Smash: Uses spin attack (epic mickey)
Up Smash: Strikes upward with paint brush (leaving thinner where it was for a short period of time)
Regular Special: Sprays thinner forward a short distance
Side Special: Sucks up opponent with vacuum cleaner (The Great Circus Starring Mickey & Minnie)
Down Special: Ducks behind shield (Disneys Magical Quest 3: Starring Mickey & Donald)
Up Special: Fires Grappling Gun up opponent with vacuum cleaner (The Great Circus Starring Mickey & Minnie)
Down Special: Ducks behind shield (Disneys Magical Quest 3: Starring Mickey & Donald)
Up Special: Fires Grappling Gun upwards (Disneys Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse)
Final Strife: Dual-Wields Dark Key Blade and Paint Brush, the Dark Key blade dealing heavy damage and the Paint brush attacks are slightly far ranged. (kingdom hearts and Epic Mickey)
Move Set
1. Punch&Kick- Just punching and kicking
2. Anger Issues- Donald run s across the screen punching everyone in front of him. The attack is only avoidable if you are behind Donald but on top or in front even under you get hurt. Its easy to counter with projectile type moves though.
3. Staff Smack- Donald can launch an enemy inbto the air using his staff from Kingdom Hearts.
Special- Donald uses his magic to heal himself and also strike all enemies with thunder.
Move Set
1. Punch&Kick- Just punching and kicking
2. Anger Issues- Donald run s across the screen punching everyone in front of him. The attack is only avoidable if you are behind Donald but on top or in front even under you get hurt. Its easy to counter with projectile type moves though.
3. Staff Smack- Donald can launch an enemy inbto the air using his staff from Kingdom Hearts.
Special- Donald uses his magic to heal himself and also strike all enemies with thunder.
Move Set
1. Claw Slash- Beast can slash enemies.
2. Toss- Beast can throw enemies. (You can only hold the enemy for a few seconds before they escape so be quick.)
3. Tackle- Beast gets on all fours, runs and tackles his enemy away.
Special-Roar of the Beast: Beast covers himself with his cape and says "who could ever love a beast". He then removes the cape and his hands are glowing. In this form beast does much more damage which can prove critical he is also faster and more agile in this form. It wheres off after a few seconds(about 30) as well.
Move Set
1. Claw Slash- Beast can slash enemies.
2. Toss- Beast can throw enemies. (You can only hold the enemy for a few seconds before they escape so be quick.)
3. Tackle- Beast gets on all fours, runs and tackles his enemy away.
Special-Roar of the Beast: Beast covers himself with his cape and says "who could ever love a beast". He then removes the cape and his hands are glowing. In this form beast does much more damage which can prove critical he is also faster and more agile in this form. It wheres off after a few seconds(about 30) as well.
Move Set(Note Ariel appears in her walking human form here.)
1. Punching/Kick-Ariel can punch and kick.
2. Tail Smack- Ariel breifly becomes a mermaid to smack you with her tail.
3. Swordplay- Ariel brings out an Epee fencing sword and uses it to attack her enemies.
Special- Stunning Voice: Ariels voice stuns all of the victims for longer than usual(5 seconds) but just long enough(lasts about 30 seconds) to get a few hits and K.O.'s.
Move Set(Note Ariel appears in her walking human form here.)
1. Punching/Kick-Ariel can punch and kick.
2. Tail Smack- Ariel breifly becomes a mermaid to smack you with her tail.
3. Swordplay- Ariel brings out an Epee fencing sword and uses it to attack her enemies.
Special- Stunning Voice: Ariels voice stuns all of the victims for longer than usual(5 seconds) but just long enough(lasts about 30 seconds) to get a few hits and K.O.'s.
Move Set
1. Punch/Charge Punch- Mr. Incredible can punch and charge punch. His charge punch is much greater than a normal punch and has a 50% chance of an enemy.!
2. Incredible Slam- Mr. Incredible can slam the ground and creates a small shockwave.
3. Kick- Mr. Incredible can kick.
Special- Train Toss- Mr. Incredible lifts up a train cart and throws it at the enemies in front of him.
Move Set
1. Punch/Charge Punch- Mr. Incredible can punch and charge punch. His charge punch is much greater than a normal punch and has a 50% chance of an enemy.!
2. Incredible Slam- Mr. Incredible can slam the ground and creates a small shockwave.
3. Kick- Mr. Incredible can kick.
Special- Train Toss- Mr. Incredible lifts up a train cart and throws it at the enemies in front of him.
Move Set
1. Slash/Punch- Sully can slash and punch enemies.
2. Scare Canister- Sully takes out a scare canister and launches it at enemies.
3. Quick Scare- Sully Roars and stuns any enemy directly infront of him.
Special- Top Scare: Sully appear as a large head on the side of the stage roaring intensely and loudly with a burst of wind that will K.O. any weakened enemies automatically. It is possible to survive if you are less damaged than other enemies.
Move Set
1. Slash/Punch- Sully can slash and punch enemies.
2. Scare Canister- Sully takes out a scare canister and launches it at enemies.
3. Quick Scare- Sully Roars and stuns any enemy directly infront of him.
Special- Top Scare: Sully appear as a large head on the side of the stage roaring intensely and loudly with a burst of wind that will K.O. any weakened enemies automatically. It is possible to survive if you are less damaged than other enemies.
Move Set
1.Punch/Kick- Like most characters Tinker Bell can punch and kick.
2. Wing Twirl- Tinker Bell spins rapidly smacking enemies with her wings.
3. Tinkerpult- Tinker uses a sling shot made of a paper clip and rubber band to launch things at her enemies
Special- Pixie Dust: Tinker Bell spread Pixie dust over enemies which suspends them in air as she attacks them. This attack has a greater percentage(I'd say 70%) chance of K.O..
Move Set
1.Punch/Kick- Like most characters Tinker Bell can punch and kick.
2. Wing Twirl- Tinker Bell spins rapidly smacking enemies with her wings.
3. Tinkerpult- Tinker uses a sling shot made of a paper clip and rubber band to launch things at her enemies
Special- Pixie Dust: Tinker Bell spread Pixie dust over enemies which suspends them in air as she attacks them. This attack has a greater percentage(I'd say 70%) chance of K.O..
Move Set
1. Punch/Low/High Punch- Wreck it Ralph cannot kick but in that place he can punch low and High.
2. Fist Barrage- Wreck it Ralph punches in front of himself several times a fast speeds, this can cause considerable damage when used in a chain.
3. Fistnado- Wreck it Ralph spins around quickly and punches enemies around him.
Special-Wreck It Grand Slam: Wreck it Ralph comes down from the air delivering a punch to the ground that creates a shockwave which sends all enemies flying and stuns them. It is only unavoidable if your high enough off the ground and far enough away from Ralph when he does this.
Move Set
1. Punch/Low/High Punch- Wreck it Ralph cannot kick but in that place he can punch low and High.
2. Fist Barrage- Wreck it Ralph punches in front of himself several times a fast speeds, this can cause considerable damage when used in a chain.
3. Fistnado- Wreck it Ralph spins around quickly and punches enemies around him.
Special-Wreck It Grand Slam: Wreck it Ralph comes down from the air delivering a punch to the ground that creates a shockwave which sends all enemies flying and stuns them. It is only unavoidable if your high enough off the ground and far enough away from Ralph when he does this.
Move Set
1.Ice Spike- Elsa can launch ice spikes.
2. Freeze Sheild-Elsa can raise sheild and use it to temporarily freeze an enemy for about 3 seconds.
3. Punch/Kick- Once again this character punches and kicks.
Special-Marshmallow: Marshmallow the snow monster comes along and attacks Elsa's opponents. The best thing you can do to aviod K.O. is stay out of his reach.
Move Set
1.Ice Spike- Elsa can launch ice spikes.
2. Freeze Sheild-Elsa can raise sheild and use it to temporarily freeze an enemy for about 3 seconds.
3. Punch/Kick- Once again this character punches and kicks.
Special-Marshmallow: Marshmallow the snow monster comes along and attacks Elsa's opponents. The best thing you can do to aviod K.O. is stay out of his reach.
Move Set
1. Punch/Kick- Fa can punch and kick.
2. Fan Swipe/Bo Staff- Fa can use a fan and a bow staff in quick and swift attacks.
3. Sword- Fa has a sword as well to slash enemies
Special- Canon Blast: Fa uses a canon to blast an opponent it is incredibly powerful and launches 3 times usually two hits will K.O. you so just avoid it until its done.
Move Set
1. Punch/Kick- Fa can punch and kick.
2. Fan Swipe/Bo Staff- Fa can use a fan and a bow staff in quick and swift attacks.
3. Sword- Fa has a sword as well to slash enemies
Special- Canon Blast: Fa uses a canon to blast an opponent it is incredibly powerful and launches 3 times usually two hits will K.O. you so just avoid it until its done.
1. Punch/Kick- By now you should know the majority of the characters can do this.
2. Nose Staff- Pinocchio uses his nose as a staff to hit opponents
3. Puppet String- Pinocchio uses puppet strings to tie up and enemy and then hit him. (This can also be a combo move).
Special-Liar Liar- Pinocchio says"I didn't do it!" and his nose grows knocking away anyone it touches along the way.
1. Punch/Kick- By now you should know the majority of the characters can do this.
2. Nose Staff- Pinocchio uses his nose as a staff to hit opponents
3. Puppet String- Pinocchio uses puppet strings to tie up and enemy and then hit him. (This can also be a combo move).
Special-Liar Liar- Pinocchio says"I didn't do it!" and his nose grows knocking away anyone it touches along the way.
Move Set
1. Bark- Bolt can super bark which has the same effect as a punch.
2. Ram- Bolt can ram into his enemies.
3. Kick- Bolt can turn around and kick with his hind legs.
Special- Heat Vision: Bolt is able to temporarily fire heat vision at enemies. It is super effective and it's recommended you dodge it.
Move Set
1. Bark- Bolt can super bark which has the same effect as a punch.
2. Ram- Bolt can ram into his enemies.
3. Kick- Bolt can turn around and kick with his hind legs.
Special- Heat Vision: Bolt is able to temporarily fire heat vision at enemies. It is super effective and it's recommended you dodge it.
1. Punch/Kick- Tarzan can punch and kick.
2. Vine Tie- Tarzan can use vines to tie up enemies and hit them.
3. Stick- Tarzan can hit his enemies with a stick.
Special- Monkey Man: Tarzan now strikes with the strength of ten apes(which is basically 1 hit k.o. power so yea stay away).
1. Punch/Kick- Tarzan can punch and kick.
2. Vine Tie- Tarzan can use vines to tie up enemies and hit them.
3. Stick- Tarzan can hit his enemies with a stick.
Special- Monkey Man: Tarzan now strikes with the strength of ten apes(which is basically 1 hit k.o. power so yea stay away).
Move Set
1. Scimitar- A sword Aladdin uses.
2. Punch and Kick- Basically what everyone else can do.
3. Carpet Ride- Aladdins magic carpet rushes in and hits an enemy away.
Special- Genie Magic: The Genie appears and blasts enemies so try to avoid the lightning.
Move Set
1. Scimitar- A sword Aladdin uses.
2. Punch and Kick- Basically what everyone else can do.
3. Carpet Ride- Aladdins magic carpet rushes in and hits an enemy away.
Special- Genie Magic: The Genie appears and blasts enemies so try to avoid the lightning.
1. Punch and Kick-Rapunzel can(*sigh*)punch and kick.
2. Frying Pan- Rapunzel can use a frying pan to hit opponents.
3. Hair Whip- Rapunzel can use her hair as a whip on enemy's.
Special- Power Shine: Rapunzels hair glows so brightly it stuns other enemies allowing her to hit them.
1. Punch and Kick-Rapunzel can(*sigh*)punch and kick.
2. Frying Pan- Rapunzel can use a frying pan to hit opponents.
3. Hair Whip- Rapunzel can use her hair as a whip on enemy's.
Special- Power Shine: Rapunzels hair glows so brightly it stuns other enemies allowing her to hit them.
Move Set
1. Punch/Kick- Both Tigger and Pooh can punch and kick.
2. Bounce Slam- Tigger jumps up and slams down on and enemy.
3. Head First- Pooh drives and enemies head into the ground causing the opponent to get stuck.
Special- Honey Jar: Pooh knocks over a giant honey jar which sticks all enemies to ground. Only Pooh can walk on this honey which allows him to freely demolish the competition.(You can avoid it by staying above ground.)
Move Set
1. Punch/Kick- Both Tigger and Pooh can punch and kick.
2. Bounce Slam- Tigger jumps up and slams down on and enemy.
3. Head First- Pooh drives and enemies head into the ground causing the opponent to get stuck.
Special- Honey Jar: Pooh knocks over a giant honey jar which sticks all enemies to ground. Only Pooh can walk on this honey which allows him to freely demolish the competition.(You can avoid it by staying above ground.)
1. Punch/Kick- Do I really gotta say it?
2. Bow- Merida can shoot arrows.
3.Sword- Merida can use a sword.
Special- Momma Bear : Merida can summon the bear version of her Mother, whom precedes to beat up opponents for a while before leaving.
1. Punch/Kick- Do I really gotta say it?
2. Bow- Merida can shoot arrows.
3.Sword- Merida can use a sword.
Special- Momma Bear : Merida can summon the bear version of her Mother, whom precedes to beat up opponents for a while before leaving.
Move Set - Simba starts out as a cub.
1. Claw Slash- Kinda like a punch.
2. Chomp- Simba bites enemies.
3. Headbutt- Simba can head but enemies.
Special- Lion: Simba grows into an adult Lion and as does his strength. This Special unlike others lasts till the end of the match.
Move Set - Simba starts out as a cub.
1. Claw Slash- Kinda like a punch.
2. Chomp- Simba bites enemies.
3. Headbutt- Simba can head but enemies.
Special- Lion: Simba grows into an adult Lion and as does his strength. This Special unlike others lasts till the end of the match.
1. Toothless- Blue fire, Red fire(more damge), slashing.
2. Deadly Nadder- Spikes, Spark Fire, slashing.
3. Monstrous Nightmare- Fire, Flaming Body, Slashing.
Special- Inferno Blast- All dragons mix their fire together in a spiral like blast.
1. Toothless- Blue fire, Red fire(more damge), slashing.
2. Deadly Nadder- Spikes, Spark Fire, slashing.
3. Monstrous Nightmare- Fire, Flaming Body, Slashing.
Special- Inferno Blast- All dragons mix their fire together in a spiral like blast.
1. Bugs Bunny
Ability-Confused Season: Bugs Bunny Walks up to the screen and says "You know what season it is? Confusion Season." He then bites a carrot which causes all of the players to switch characters for the rest of the match.
Ability-Confused Season: Bugs Bunny Walks up to the screen and says "You know what season it is? Confusion Season." He then bites a carrot which causes all of the players to switch characters for the rest of the match.
Ability- Despicable Dodgers: Daffy turns into Duck Dodgers and fly's around the screen in a jetpack knocking the other players away. Daffy Duck then runs out of fuel and crashes into a random player saying "Your Despicable" before finishing.
Ability- Despicable Dodgers: Daffy turns into Duck Dodgers and fly's around the screen in a jetpack knocking the other players away. Daffy Duck then runs out of fuel and crashes into a random player saying "Your Despicable" before finishing.
Ability-Bad Baby: Jack Jack laughs and rampages around the screen using his powers to knock everyone away before eventually turning intagible and floating away.
Ability-Bad Baby: Jack Jack laughs and rampages around the screen using his powers to knock everyone away before eventually turning intagible and floating away.
Ability- Perry flies past in his flying car knocking people out of the way.
Ability- Perry flies past in his flying car knocking people out of the way.
Items Rotator Gif-

1. Anvil-
Anvil can be picked up and thrown into the air afterwards it lands on any character unfortunate enough to get caught under it. Fortunatelly it can be avoided by watching the shadow as it falls(keep your eyes on the floor).
A chargable item the more you charge the stronger the effect from a plain Hit to a Strike, a Strike can K.O. the character. Unfortunatelly you can not move while charging. The Bowling Ball can also knock out more than one enemy however it will not K.O. all of them just the first to get hit.
Throwing the Dagger at an enemy stuns him/her.
The Omnidroid starts out as a small ball then grows bigger when you throw it transforming into a giant omnidroid which can deal serious damage to opponents however it is breif.
A sword cannot be thrown like a dagger but you can use is to slash your enemies
Snowball can temporarily freeze an enemy.
Maps Rotator Gif-

1. Disney World(Default)
2. Mickey Mouse Club House(Unlockable)
3. Bugs Bunny's Forest(Default)
4. Elsa's Ice Castle(Default)
5. Metro Ville(Default)
6. Nomanisan Island(Unlockable)
7. Atlantica(Default)
8. Isle of Berk(Unlockable)
Dragon Book-
Whoever gets the Dragon Book summons a random Dragon to there side.
List of Dragons That Appear In This Game
1. Whispering Death
2. Changewing
3. Speed Stinger
4. Fireworm
5. Scauldron
6. Screaming Death
7. Hideous Zippleback
8. Gronkle
9. Smothering Smokebreath
10. Terrible Terror
11. Thunderdrum
12. Typhoomerang
List of Dragons That Appear In This Game
1. Whispering Death
2. Changewing
3. Speed Stinger
4. Fireworm
5. Scauldron
6. Screaming Death
7. Hideous Zippleback
8. Gronkle
9. Smothering Smokebreath
10. Terrible Terror
11. Thunderdrum
12. Typhoomerang
Update 3/7/14
-Working on Maps/Items/Assists.
-Now taking Requests
-Helpers are now excepted
-Game Type: Computer
Control Type: Keyboard/Mouse
-Dragon Book in Progress
-Yoshi 2.0