Do you have a phobia (or phobias)?

Drift said:
Triskaidekaphobia and cherophobia.

Also I don't know if there's a name for this, but I try to avoid doing things in exactly a certain order (specifically like I did before something bad happened) because I always take it as a bad omen.
What are those fears of?
SuperQueenChrysalis said:
Drift said:
Triskaidekaphobia and cherophobia.

Also I don't know if there's a name for this, but I try to avoid doing things in exactly a certain order (specifically like I did before something bad happened) because I always take it as a bad omen.
What are those fears of?
Triskaidekaphobia I know is the fear of the number 13, and after a Google search, cherophobia is the fear of happiniess....
Wasps. They don't bother me on pictures or anything, but the sight of a live one, or just the knowledge that one is in my general vicinity is enough to keep me on edge. Woe is the person standing next to me if a wasp is headed my way, as I will jump out of the way like a madman trying to dodge an imaginary bullet.

I used to be deadly afraid of needles too, but I have that under control now.
Super Smash Misty said:
Xanthium said:
pah. it's as worse as Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.
13 isn't tied to the beast of Revelation, however.

To you and a group of people, the number 666, as the mark of the beast, has a special connotation that is negative. The same can be said for the number 13, the only difference being that the former has religious roots, whereas the latter is more emotion-based.

However, both are at their core just a fear of a certain number, meaning they are equally irrational.
I don't have really any sort of phobia (most people don't), but thunderstorms incite fear in such a way that I jump if I hear any rumbling noises, thunder or not.

I really hate wasps as well; I try my best to distance myself from one, even paper wasps, although I wouldn't call it a phobia.
Not sure if it's just terrible anxiety or a phobia but either way: attention focused on me unexpectedly in public causes me to panic and get shaky and stuff. For example, during the week of my birthday a few years ago, I had told people to not have the waitresses at whichever restaurant we go to sing me happy birthday and make a huge fuss over it. My family understood why but my brother's gf's dad apparently thought I wasn't serious and figured it'd be funny to do it to me anyways a few days before m actual birthday to catch me offguard. I panicked and blacked out a little and started shaking and just ugh it was awful. He felt terrible as soon as he saw that I was PRETTY FUCKING SERIOUS when I told him not to do it and I'm glad he felt like a piece of shit about it because that's what he is.

Also, discussion of moving blood or the circulatory system or seeing veins popping out just makes me feel queasy. I had to leave my biology class in college during that unit because I felt lightheaded and like I was going to faint. I'm perfectly fine with the discussion of it and seeing it mentally I guess, but my reaction is something I just can't control no matter how hard I try.
Morty said:
Not sure if it's just terrible anxiety or a phobia but either way: attention focused on me unexpectedly in public causes me to panic and get shaky and stuff. For example, during the week of my birthday a few years ago, I had told people to not have the waitresses at whichever restaurant we go to sing me happy birthday and make a huge fuss over it. My family understood why but my brother's gf's dad apparently thought I wasn't serious and figured it'd be funny to do it to me anyways a few days before m actual birthday to catch me offguard. I panicked and blacked out a little and started shaking and just ugh it was awful. He felt terrible as soon as he saw that I was PRETTY *bleep*ING SERIOUS when I told him not to do it and I'm glad he felt like a piece of *bleep* about it because that's what he is.

Also, discussion of moving blood or the circulatory system or seeing veins popping out just makes me feel queasy. I had to leave my biology class in college during that unit because I felt lightheaded and like I was going to faint. I'm perfectly fine with the discussion of it and seeing it mentally I guess, but my reaction is something I just can't control no matter how hard I try.
That sounds very phobia-ish. I think the difference between natural fear and a true phobia is how you overreact to a fear, and if it gets in the way of normal living. I've said this many times now: being scared of spiders is not arachnophobia; if seeing spiders make you shake violently, black out, feel lightheaded, or panic, then it's a phobia.
Halayà úbe Praseodymium Mario said:
That sounds very phobia-ish. I think the difference between natural fear and a true phobia is how you overreact to a fear, and if it gets in the way of normal living. I've said this many times now: being scared of spiders is not arachnophobia; if seeing spiders make you shake violently, black out, feel lightheaded, or panic, then it's a phobia.

Seeing spiders makes me shake violently and black out due to their sheer cuteness and just how adorable they are omg spiders are gr8
I need to add, "out of fear".

I prefer Wario in a thong.
Shy Guy Forever said:
Halayà úbe Praseodymium Mario said:
I need to add, "out of fear".

If you think THAT is cute, you will find Wario in a bikini EXTREMELY cute.

Finding one thing cute that is typically not seen as such does not mean that I think that everything else that no one else thinks is cute is cute. Saying that, I don't have an irrational hatred of Wario based solely on his body image.
AKA non sequitur.
Halayà úbe Praseodymium Mario said:
AKA non sequitur.


non se·qui·tur
ˌnän ˈsekwitər/
noun: non sequitur; plural noun: non sequiturs; noun: nonsequitur; plural noun: nonsequiturs

a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.

We were talking about cute things and a comparison was made between spiders and wario, stating that if I find spiders cute I must also find wario cute, implying that spiders and wario are on the same level of inciting fear based on appearance. My two sentences were intended to break that implication.
Yeah, so it doesn't really logically follow.

Wario isn't terrifying, he's just disgusting. There's a difference between the two.
Well it makes sense to me and the point I was making was kinda along the lines that we all already know that you really hate Wario so there's really no need to go into it because I don't care for it.

Let's get back to the topic.
Shy Guy Forever said:
Halayà úbe Praseodymium Mario said:
I need to add, "out of fear".

If you think THAT is cute, you will find Wario in a bikini EXTREMELY cute.
No, I find the spider adorable. Wario? I find Wario ugly anyway.
i hate wario
SuperQueenChrysalis said:
Shy Guy Forever said:
Halayà úbe Praseodymium Mario said:
I need to add, "out of fear".

If you think THAT is cute, you will find Wario in a bikini EXTREMELY cute.
No, I find the spider adorable. Wario? I find Wario ugly anyway.
i hate wario
Wario is cool. You know who is REALLY ugly?

Rosalina. BLECH!!!