The Year of Waluigi™

Re: The Year of Waluigi™

I meant the moderators of the Internet.
Re: The Year of Waluigi™

None of us owns a "lying."
Re: The Year of Waluigi™

Yuzu & Kaede said:
they really exist?

It's a shame you have to find out this way.
Re: The Year of Waluigi™

Most definetely part of a grander scheme of Aprils fools jokes.
Just take a look at the SMashwiki, so obviosly giving it away by stating things that If true would get Sakurai in court and he'd have to pay millions.
Also, they only updated the front page to post those things.
If this was real, updates would have been much faster and the actual character roster page would have it in.
Re: The Year of Waluigi™

We're different from SmashWiki though, we only use fully confirmed things and do not partake in immature celebrations like April Fool's Day.
Re: The Year of Waluigi™

Link me the official announcement video where Nintendo stated these things.
Then maybe I'll believe you.
Re: The Year of Waluigi™

"If you don't see it, you're not looking hard enough."
Re: The Year of Waluigi™

Here. Under the bit about harassment. Trust me, 私は日本語がわかりますよ。
Re: The Year of Waluigi™

Re: The Year of Waluigi™

Walkazo said:
All I could make out was "Japanese".