Yoshi! Yoshi!
People just submit pieces of work, and the judge(s) (me and possibly some other people) judge them, rate them, and put them against other Fanfics. There can be chapters, full stories, incomplete stories, comics, images, etc.
Other info:
You can only submit things that you have made
Up to 2 users can sign up as judges, either on the topic or through PM
Any questions just ask!
Each criterion will be graded in a matter of 1/10
1. YoshiMonsta (also host)
2. Lolcrawler
3. Toad85
4. Gonzales Kart Inc.
- Organization
- Unity
- Coherence
- Conciseness
- Clarity
- Grammar
- Punctuation
- Mechanics
- Usage
- Plot Connections
- Level of Interest
- Creativity
- Image Clarity
- Plot Connections
- Level of interest
- (if applicable) Text Readability
- Creativity
- Image Clarity
- Image Quality
- (If Applicable) Text Readability
- Creativity (a recoloring may loose to a fan pic, for example.)
Other info:
You can only submit things that you have made
Up to 2 users can sign up as judges, either on the topic or through PM
Any questions just ask!
Each criterion will be graded in a matter of 1/10
1. YoshiMonsta (also host)
2. Lolcrawler
3. Toad85
4. Gonzales Kart Inc.