CAPTAIN FALCON and Lucina and Robin

Wait wait wait wait wait wait

there are 5 Fire Emblem characters now?

Okay Sakurai confirmed it on Miiverse.


Let's see, where was my copy of Sticker Star again? Wait I downloaded it.

And deleted it. *Sigh*
Lumastar said:
MKGuy said:
Robin seems like a very interesting character. Lucina seems like a Marth clone though.
Lucina seems like a Marth semi-clone. If Lucina does end up being an aerial character then she might take Marth place on top of the tier list.
I can completely see this happening.
Иeptune said:
i know who falcon is, i know who lucina is, but who's robin?

The unit you create at the start of Fire Emblem: Awakening who is basically intended to be you.

That's his/her default name.
Maybe it's a reference to how everyone was expecting Chrom due to the Gematsu leak.
Looks to me like Chrom is a swap of Lucina (they both use the same sword and everything), just like how male/female Robin are swaps of each other. They're not different characters.