Unpopular opinions about the Zelda series

Magikrazy said:
Baby Man said:
I call Zelda games "Link games"
Do you do that with every franchise?

I have a very specific rules for that.

Like Pokemon isn't the "Red games" and Earthbound isn't the "Ness games"
Master Chief games is one example. Another is Pit games. A character has to be the lead star for most, if not all games, and usually have no other characters playable.
Baby Man said:
I call Zelda games "Link games"

I do the same sometimes. There's nothing wrong about it. It might not be the most correct answer, but it's still an acceptable term.

I really don't like the Song of Storms theme. I think it's rather annoying (loved it at first when I first heard it in MM, but when I heard it in OoT I just lost interest in it).
NSY said:
I think Wind Waker has the weakest soundtrack of all the 3D Zelda games.

I absolutely love the hell out of that game, but I agree. The only songs worth remembering are Outset, Windfall, Dragon Roost and the main theme.

I would also love to see another multiplayer Zelda game, but maybe with a bit more... plot? I guess that's why FS and FSA never appealed to me.
PeskyPlumbers64 said:
Eevee said:
Tuxedo Ridley said:
Eevee said:
There's something off about acting severely like the opposite gender (and he's extremely shallow.)
So if a character displays traits you associate with the opposite gender, that's BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD.
No, I'm fine with that, unless (in his case) it's so severe that you can actually mistake him/her for the opposite gender.

PeskyPlumbers64 said:
*peers behind rock* I don't actually have a problem with the CD-I games.
I agree, mainly because the cutscenes are narmy.

The cutscenes are AMAZING
I know! My favorite part about it is the emotional impact. "I wonder what's for dinner" really moves me to tears.

Talk about deep stuff man.
"I'm so hungry, I could eat an Octorok!"

I can truly understand Link's plight and empathise with him.
Me too. I can't stand the twats who shout "REALISTIC ZELDA BETTER" and I'm happy with Zelda U's artstyle as well.
Plain Ol Giga12 said:
Me too. I can't stand the twats who shout "REALISTIC ZELDA BETTER" and I'm happy with Zelda U's artstyle as well.

Same,I don't care if it's realistic or not , as long as it's zelda
Plain Ol Giga12 said:
Me too. I can't stand the twats who shout "REALISTIC ZELDA BETTER" and I'm happy with Zelda U's artstyle as well.

I hate realistic art styles in general
realistic and unrealistic are both good though I do prefer the former
I prefer realistic, but I won't complain as long as the gameplay itself is of high quality.
Zelda U's artstyle seems to be more of a blend of both styles, both colorful and realistic, that's what it noticed from the very short trailer.
It definitely leans more towards WW than TP. Certainly does a better job of blending the two than SS ever did.
Unpopular opinion:

They're LINK games from the LINK series.
Looks like this is now an unpopular opinion: I liked Twilight Princess's style more than WW. You may argue that it's too dark, but at least I can take it seriously.
I like Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.
...Don't think that's unpopular.
Tuxedo Ridley said:
...Don't think that's unpopular.
Surprisingly, it's pretty unpopular. A lot of Zelda fans don't like it cause they said it doesn't follow the traditional Zelda style.
Link II is also notorious for being really difficult.

I wouldn't consider it one of the better Link games, but it doesn't seem bad.