Reasons why I find collecting all the Mario Parties like collecting Mega Man

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So Baby Luigi, remember how you said Super Mario Galaxy 2 was a soulless cashgrab and it was the same shameless piece of crap that you played. Do you say the same of the NES Mega Mans? I mean you said it was the same game just rebarfed back at you for 60 dollars. I mean the PSX Mega Man X games are a good example. Would you call Mega Man X5 and X6 the same shameless piece of crap that you played in Mega Man X4 for the Sony PlayStation 1, Sega Saturn and Windows 9X PCs just like how you called Super Mario Galaxy 2 that? Similarly, would you call the PS1, Saturn and Windows version of X3 to be the same shameless piece of crap that you played on the SNES plus with the anime cutscenes and enhanced arranged CD quality tunes?

PSX/Saturn Mega Man X3

SNES Mega Man X3

Didn't I JUST say that I never played those games. Like, 5 POSTS AGO?
Pwwnd listen you need to stop posting about Mega Man in this topic or any other topics in the Marioverse board. I'm trying to say this nicely but looking through this topic a few others have tried to tell you as well. Post about Mega Man in the Video Games board but not this one ok? I don't want you to get banned so hopefully you'll listen.
Can a moderator please move this thread to the Video Games section of the forum?
So Baby Luigi, do you regret saying that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a soulless cashgrab when I did brought up Mario Party and the Blue Bomber as my two arguments? Galaxy 2 does have a bit more depth than Galaxy 1 and it does feature some nice improvements.
So Pwwnd, when are you going to realize Baby Luigi has already said she never played those games? I mean, she's only said it like 10 times now. I mean, here's a quote to demonstrate:
Baby Luigi said:
Didn't I JUST say that I never played those games. Like, 5 POSTS AGO?
you know, i'm getting really tired of your bull pwwnd.

being a noob is not an excuse to forego common sense. you know how i know that? i was a noob once. we were all noobs once. and we learned quickly to either get over it or suffer the consequences. your date of registration is not a "get out of criticism free" card, it's a feeble excuse for behavior that should not have happened in first place. the same goes for your autism. i have autism, a number of my friends have autism (even low-functioning, like you), and a lot of people on this forum have autism, and we get along just fine without having to fall back on our mental condition as an excuse.

double-posting, derailing, and verbal harassment are either things people never do, or learn quickly are inappropriate for our forum. i really want to help you, i think we all do, but you won't improve if you brush us off as an inconvenience in your "noble crusade to take down mega man 8", as you've been doing since you came here. the first step in getting people to respect you is recognizing you have a problem, and i'm not sure you do yet.

there have been better users than you who have been permabanned for much less than you have done, and i don't want that to happen to you. for the sake of our collective sanity, drop the act, reread the rules, and learn some manners before resuming this thread.
Pwnned is harassing me about Mega Man and Playstation in MarioWiki too -_____-
Baby Luigi said:
Pwnned is harassing me about Mega Man and Playstation in MarioWiki too -_____-

I don't mean to be that annoying to you Baby Luigi. But I find it quite tricky to get along on the boards and stop my habits. But then again I am a thirteen year old kid on here and it's hard for me to control it. I will try to stop ASAP. I will try to improve.
You need some self-discipline. I know that mental disorder is reality for you, it's something you can't brush off. But you can't use it as an excuse either.
Did you just ignore Toad85's post...?
Pwwnd123 has previously been warned for spammy, repetitive- low-quality posting by the mod team - as he clearly couldn't be bothered to heed our recommendations, he's temp-banned now.

This thread solely exist as a vehicle for said low quality, off-topic posting, so I'm going to lock it.
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