Count until Porple posts.

Cent dix-neuf.
Cent vingt-trois
Cent vingt-cinq
Cent vingt-sept
Cent vingt-neuf
Cent trente-trois
Cent trente-six
Cente trente-huit
Cent quatorze-et-deux
Megamario15 said:
Cent quatorze-et-un.

W10 said:
Ciento trente-nine
Ce est penible...
It's "C'est pénible" and you usually say "pénible" when it's annoying, difficult, painful (as in, a difficult child or a nagging math problem) but there isn't a precise definition for it.

Nintendo64Dude said:
Cent quatorze-et-deux
You add the "et" part only when the digit ends in one, after 20. Additionally, "quatorze" is "14", not "40" (which is quarante).

So it's cent quarante deux.

Cent quarante trois.