What was your first Mario game?


Black, white, and grey.
Mario kart 64. I was 4 when I first played it, and I kept crashing into walls.
Magitroopa said:
Mario kart 64. I was 4 when I first played it, and I kept crashing into walls.

Just like my mom when she plays.

Super Mario WOrld and DKC3, cant remember which.
Paper Mario. Replaying the game is fun. Plus, I have the in-magazine Nintendo Power strategy guide.
Smiddle said:
Super Mario Sunshine. Damn, I'm late...
Wow, I would've guessed Super Mario World or something. :eek:
let me think...

either Mario Bros or Super Mario bros( either the first one or the 3)
My first Mario game was Donkey Kong, at this little place where little kids play. I was 2 back then.
Super Mario Bros., of course! But I really wasn't into the Mario series full force until the Nintendo 64 installments came around.
My first Mario game was Super Mario World, but the oldest Mario game that I played was Donkey Kong, in SSBB's Masterpieces.